Featured News
Daylight Savings Time: How Does it Effect Your Body?
Daylight Saving Time (DST) ended in the U.S. and Canada on Sunday, November 5, 2023. It’s a time period that I, like countless others, dread.
Embrace the Challenge
You’ve had it! You’re tired of feeling like crud every day, and you are determined to get into shape - mentally and physically.
Stay Fit & Prevent Injuries this Ski Season
Recently, I was asked to speak at the monthly Holiday Valley staff meeting about tips for staying fit and preventing injuries in the winter season.
Take a Class, Save a Life
In February, I like so many others, took a CPR course at the Ellicottville Fire Company. At the end of the class, it was announced that there is a shortage of ambulance drivers and EMTs, so I grabbed an application and signed up!
Welcome to October: It’s a Busy Mystical Month
Welcome to October! It’s Libra season, Scorpio season and Eclipse season…. Oh my!
Learn Pilates Breathing Techniques
Breathing is an integral element in your Pilates routine. Let’s review why Pilates is so important to a good, healthy lifestyle.
Best Way to Exercise Bad Knees
Recently, a friend of mine asked me to put together a list of leg exercises that he could do with bad knees.
Happy Birthday Virgos!
After the woo-hoo party energy of Leo season, Virgo is on clean-up duty.
Strength Training Safety
As a certified personal trainer (CPT) it is my job to watch my clients’ form and correct it when I see even the smallest error to prevent injuries. Strength training requires a lot of mind-body awareness.
How Much Water Do You Need?
With the summer heat and air quality warnings, you’d think it would be quite obvious to most people that the best way to keep our bodies healthy and high functioning is to hydrate on a regular and steady basis.
The Dangers of Processed Foods
By the early 2000s, Americans were getting more than half of their calories from chicken nuggets, artificially sweetened canned food, potato chips and other manmade concoctions.
How to Avoid Summer Weight Gain
Contrary to what you think, weight gain may be more likely during the summer than in the winter.
Lets Talk About Core Strength
Before you get on that board/bike/scooter, you should know that your body needs to be in sync with your equipment. And of course, where does all your balance and control come from? ... YOUR CORE STRENGTH.
Happy Birthday July Babies
July is a notable month - firstly though, happy birthday to all the Cancers out there! Cancer is a “Mama Bear” protective energy that loves to mother, nurture and nurse people.
How to Treat Muscle Pain?
It’s hard to get through life without straining a muscle, spraining a ligament, suffering a headache or wrenching your back. And the longer you’re on the planet, the more susceptible you are to arthritis.
Summer Classes Announced
I created Core Performance Fitness and Training in 2009 because I felt gyms were designed to fail their members.
June is the Month to Take a Breath
Welcome to June; and happy birthday to the multi-tasking, joke-cracking Geminis! There is a lot going on in the sky this month, which always has an impact on our perspective and perception since we are created from the same stuff that the planets are.
Starting a Workout Program Can Be Tough
Starting a workout program can be challenging. Making the time to exercise, creating a balanced routine, and setting goals are hard enough, but add to that the muscle soreness that comes with adapting to that regimen, and it may be difficult to stay on track.
Introduction to Pilates
Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on strengthening the core muscles of the body while improving flexibility and balance.
What is T.U.T?
One of my biggest pet peeves is watching people workout in a rush. Whether you’re working out against a timer or completing reps - rushing or doing the exercise quickly is NEVER a good idea.