Welcome to October: It’s a Busy Mystical Month

Welcome to October: It’s a Busy Mystical Month

Libra Season, Scorpio Season and Eclipse Season…. Oh My!

Welcome to October and happy birthday to all the Libras! Libras are wonderful, kind and colorful, creative people who are always giving. The symbol for Libra is the scales of justice – this has to do with law – many attorneys are Libra! It also has to do with contracts and agreements, fairness and keeping the peace; and is the sign that rules over relationships and marriage. But, because the south node of the moon is sweeping backwards through this sign, it is uprooting deeper energies in relationships. This means if a relationship is good, it will continue on just fine; however, if the relationship has reached its shelf life, or if anything is a little “sus”, then it will get 10-fold more obvious to help you make clear, conscious choices.  The goal is to value yourself and make your choices from there. Your relationships must be reciprocal to survive. Each party needs to be both the giver and the receiver.

The new moon of this month occurs on the 14th just before 3pm in the sign of Libra, and is going to surely call all your relationships to the table for review. Which ones do you want to renew for another year? Which ones need to renegotiate terms?  Which ones are okay to let expire?  

The 14th new moon is also a solar eclipse! I would expect surprises that will open new possibilities or bring certain chapters to a close. Eclipses are powerful new markers in our lives. People or opportunities from the past can resurface.

This is also a magical time for new relationships to come out of nowhere, so watch out! If you’ve been single, there could be a surprise suitor out of the blue! Just be sure to go slow and steady, because you don’t want to overlook anything important around the 14th, because it’s under eclipsed energy.  Don’t suddenly elope!

By the time we get to the full moon of the month, it will be Scorpio season – the full moon is the 28th of October. Scorpio energy, just like this time of year, is a mysterious energy that lurks in the shadows. Scorpio takes note of people’s integrity. They don’t exactly call them out, but they are always aware. Scorpio is a very private energy which has no problem working in Halloweeny types of things like mortuaries or forensics. It’s a wonderful sign that enjoys managing other people’s money such as insurance, real estate, taxes and portfolios and really loves going deep into research and the psyche and investigations. Scorpios always know when someone is telling the truth or not. With piercing eyes, it seems they are looking right through you. You can never get away with even a little white lie with a Scorpio.

The full moon of the 28th will be in the sign of Taurus. This axis of Scorpio-Taurus is strongly related to finances – I would expect some disruption or big reveal about big money, big power and what’s going on in the dark (things ruled by Scorpio) and banking and/or foods (ruled by Taurus). It is a lunar eclipse so this is even more intense! Big dark secrets will come to light.

Astrology never lies, see what unfolds between now and Halloween. You can predict things using astrology – if you want to learn more, you are invited to take my astrology certification course!  Learn with me online or in person, and find out more on my website suzy-woo.com under ‘Learn with me.’

Enjoy your month, stay in check with your feelings, and trust your gut, especially in Scorpio season! Your intuition is always right. Heart trumps head. Follow your heart! 

See you next month! Your Sister from the Stars,

- Suzy Woo


Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at suzy-woo.com or call 716-699-2871.


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