The One Stop Shop New Office Now Open! 26 Park Square, Franklinville, NY 14737, 585-403-3100. Open Monday through Friday 7:00am-5:00pm. New builds, remodels, pole barns, decks and more. Free estimates. We are always hiring to meet our customers’ needs!
Village of Ellicottville, New York: Notice is hereby given that a Republican Party caucus for making nomination of candidates for Village Officers in the Village of Ellicottville will be held on January 27, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the Town/Village Hall located at 1 W. Washington Street, Ellicottville, New York 14731, 2nd Floor. Candidates are to be nominated by said caucus for the offices of: Trustee, 4-Year Term. Trustee, 4-Year Term…
520 square feet of office space at 39 Mill Street available for rent starting in August. Rent is $600 a month plus gas, electric, water and snowplowing. Must sign 3 year commercial lease. Please call for details 716-699-4516 or 716-397-9527.
Cosmetic and structural repairs for wood, upholstery and mechanisms. On-site or in-shop. Pumpkin Hollow Furniture. 716-604-6426. Find us on FB for before and after pictures.
The Gado-Gado team is looking for an addition. We’re looking fora hard-working and motivated individual to work alongside us. Must be available on weekends and at festivals. Email resumes and a brief introduction to This is a yearly position, not seasonal.
Professional pet grooming. Owned and operated locally by mother and daughter, Teresa Mercer and Calla Wagner. Call 716-699-8345 for an appointment. 16 Elizabeth Street, Ellicottville. “YOUR DOG IS OUR DOG.”
Real Estate, Rentals, Services, Employment, Merchandise for Sale, etc. Place your classified ad in ellicottvilleNOW. $10/issue, 40 words or less; 25 cents each additional word. “Free” ads are FREE! Classified ads appear in both the print edition and online at Call our office at 716-699-9816 or email