How to Avoid Summer Weight Gain

How to Avoid Summer Weight Gain

What Can Be Done to Stave Off Those Dreaded Extra Pounds?

You know how you can’t wait for the warmer weather to come after a long, gray and miserable winter that feels like it’s actually eight months versus four? You tell yourself that all that extra weight you packed on being a couch potato and binge watching your favorite television shows will automatically fall off once you are able to get outdoors more and exercise.  You promise yourself you will eat better because there will be a bounty of fresh fruit and vegetables readily available for you to enjoy.  And, now just after the 4th of July you feel fatter than ever? Well, you’re not alone.  Contrary to what you think, weight gain may be more likely during the summer than in the winter.

In fact, research published in 2016 reported that even young children tend to gain more weight during the summer months versus the months when school is in session. Experts agree that the uptick in sugary summer beverages, summer BBQs, graduation, wedding celebrations and more family gatherings make it easy to be in a celebratory mode and consume more food and calorie-laden beverages than one would on a normal day. And what social gathering does not have a gratuitous amount of unhealthy food choices like chips, pasta salads, pulled pork, hot dogs and burgers, just to name a few. You might find a green salad or a fruit salad, but trust me, those are the last things to get eaten.  Also, there is a bounty of alcohol being consumed during these occasions that will pack on the pounds quicker than you can burn them off. Even ‘mocktails’ are typically filled with sugar. Plus, there’s ice cream, which some children and even some adults feel should be eaten daily.

So, what can be done to stave off these dreaded extra pounds and still enjoy the summer?  The first important step is to take the focus off “weight loss” and instead get curious about when you eat, what you eat and why you eat. Many of my clients do not feel well after eating foods high in fat/carbs/calories.  I advise people to be nice to themselves and try to get a better understanding about why they make the food choices they are making. Is it to fit in with a certain peer group or just because it is presented in a buffet that you can’t avoid not taking it? Understanding that is the first step to proactively making healthier choices.

Then I discuss serving sizes.  Serving sizes matter when trying to avoid or manage weight gain at anytime of year.  That can be hard to gauge for some individuals, so I suggest that you take a small plate/bowl and individualize your serving versus continually digging into the chips and guacamole/salsa.  Even fruit - take a serving to enjoy and see if your hunger warrants more. Have a cookie or ice cream on occasion, but don’t get the triple scoop with all the toppings just because it’s now so readily available. Same with alcohol - know your limits, keep track of how you are feeling. You can go from a light buzz to drunky pretty easily in the summer heat.

Doing a weekly meal prep or menu will also help you and your family maintain a proper diet and stay on track with your health goals.

And let’s not forget to exercise.  Walking is one of the best and easiest things for the majority. Swimming is another excellent option and is low impact, which is great for those with joint issues.  Make it a priority 30-45 minutes per day is optimal.

Lastly, appreciate the bounty of fresh fruits and veggies that are locally grown and savor a sunset from time to time since. As we all know, autumn will be knocking at our door soon enough.


Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training, located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit her Facebook page or Kim can be reached directly at 716-698-1198.

Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit or visit her Facebook page. You can also email Kim at

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