Happy Birthday July Babies

Happy Birthday July Babies

Suzy’s Star Readings Say Cancers Should Dress Up, Treat Yourselves… But Don’t Overindulge

July is a notable month - firstly though, happy birthday to all the Cancers out there! Cancer is a “Mama Bear” protective energy that loves to mother, nurture and nurse people. Cancerians are excellent healers and caregivers; they are are highly intuitive, sensitive, super sentimental, and the most emotional of all the zodiac signs. Think of the Cancer crab - a tough outer shell but a soft middle. That’s a Cancer. Tough when they need to be, they will point their finger in your face, yet they are hurt easily.

We start the month with a big super-moon in Capricorn early on the 3rd - the Buck full moon peaks at 7:39am. You may feel ambitious to close down projects of the spring, or buttoning up the graduation parties, and to get going on your summer projects, like opening the cabin, getting the boat in the water, etc.

Cancer and Capricorn are signs opposite one another. They represent mother/nurturer and father/provider energies, so you may be reflective of your own parents during this time, or your own parenting techniques and abilities.

The ruler of that full moon, Saturn, has gone retrograde, so there may be a bit of a lonely feeling this fourth of July (because we are under the influence of full moons for a day on either side of it). Maybe you’re missing someone this year as you open the cabin or launch the boat; or it could be a sadness that your baby/ies are growing up and don’t need you as much anymore. There might be a bit of loneliness with this full moon.  

It’s important to allow for these feelings - note, FEELINGS! We are in Cancer season and you will be more emotional this month. Allow these feelings to move through you. Give them a voice, process and release under this full moon. Full moons are spotlights. So this month it’s a spotlight on your emotions, your parents, your family, your parenting and family traditions. Weep, laugh, journal or create. It’s important to allow your emotions to process. Find a way to be thankful for it all. After all, it brought you to where you are today!

We have a new moon in Cancer on the 17th; it will help you to finish crying and pick up a paintbrush, freshen things up and make them your own. Make new plans for what brings you joy. There is another larger transit happening that occurs every 18 months. The nodes of the moon are changing signs out of Scorpio and Taurus and moving into Libra and Aries. This is great for those who struggle trying to find ways to set a healthy boundary with others. If you want to really say ‘no’ but end up saying ‘ok’ then this will help you to reclaim your own personal power.

The next year and a half will surface the issues where others have stolen your sunshine and disrespected your boundaries, offering you a healthy space to forge a stronger, bolder version of yourself. A you that becomes more empowered, focused and determined to do what is right for you! 

By the end of the month most of the outer planets will be retrograde so a re-view- re-new- re-consider energy for many things going on in the background of our lives as we come up with refreshed life strategies but this time, we will also have goddess of love and beauty, Venus, also going retrograde in prideful and entertaining Leo.

That loosely translates to: Dress up, go to concerts, treat yourself, but be careful not to overindulge.

If you would like to see how these energies play out for you in your personal life, you can schedule a reading with me on my website, suzy-woo.com.

I’m also hosting a very powerful and life-changing retreat in August - the Lion’s Gate Spiritual Retreat is Aug. 11-13th at Holiday Valley. It features an all-in-one price, lodging and meals included or you can commute if you are local. If you’ve been waiting for a sign of how to move forward in your life, THIS IS YOUR SIGN.  More details on my website under the Events tab.

Enjoy your July my friends! Your Sister from the Stars,

- Suzy Woo


Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at suzy-woo.com or call 716-699-2871.


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