Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Letting Your Fitness Go South

We've all taken a week (OK, maybe a month) off our workout routines every now and then. But will your fitness hiatus completely sideline your progress or just be a little hiccup in an otherwise healthy body?

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

BOSU Brilliance

Core Performance Fitness & Training is not your typical fitness studio/gym.  Our name alone is a statement to our motto.  We train your core so that your entire body is stronger, balanced, more effective and injury proof.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Cardio is Not the Only Tool to Blast Belly Fat

Sunshine and warmer weather are the perfect combination to get off the couch and get moving. Taking a brisk walk/run or riding your bike is a great way to get your heart pumping. And while the deer are shedding antlers, humans are trying to shed some of their winter weight

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Give it Time

My studio was shut down on March 16, 2020 in what I thought was going to be a temporary blip.  Flash forward 365 days, one whole year later and my studio is still navigating new guidelines and requirements to operate fully.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Diet Trends

After being in the fitness industry since 1983, I have seen my share of fitness and diet trends come and go. These trends/fads not only drive me crazy - but, many of them can prove to be dangerous.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

How Long Should Your Workout Last?

Just the other day, one of my clients asked me what I thought about the 7-minute workout. My knee jerk reaction was to talk about the merits of an effective and efficient workout since I never give much credence into too-good-to-be-true claims.

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Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW

The Winter Blues

Papa Winter has arrived and is here to stay and join us for the next little while. What is your take or opinion on the winter months? Are you in your glory with the winter activities and energy?

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