Staying Connected
Staying Connected
Meeting people & experiencing new places can add value and understanding to life
We have a special niche here in Ellicottville. With the help of our ski resorts and tourism in the surrounding area, we get to know our neighbors in Buffalo, Toronto, Ohio and elsewhere. On the other end of the spectrum, we can enjoy the friendship, support, and slower pace of life offered by the small country town communities that make up Cattaraugus County. The skiing and snowboarding scene brings together people from different backgrounds - all together in their joy and passion for snowsports and the bustle of the ski town that has its own special feel. But there is something that helps renew that magic and gives one a fresh lens through which to see their home through. And that’s by taking a break and experiencing somewhere new.
Vacations are the best, right? Hardly any worries, hopefully no work, and some time with your family, close friends, or yourself. If you choose to travel during your time off, you may go to a resort on an island, a cruise, or head somewhere immersive such as Disney World. Basically, an experience that has been calculated and designed for a programmed sense of enjoyment. While there is a whole lot of fun (and no shame) in this, it is not quite the “leaving your town” that we are talking about here. We are talking about going somewhere new to you, that wasn’t particularly designed to cater to you with its own unique culture and quirks. Meeting people who were tuned a little different than you helps you develop your perspective and even a deeper sense of self.
Experiencing a culture that is unlike your own, whether it’s 300 or 3,000 miles away from your home base can be as uncomfortable as it can be uplifting. You experience new customs, colloquialisms or totally new languages. Different ideologies, acceptances, understandings are witnessed and hopefully to a degree, assimilated. If you have been a little timid to take a travel out of your comfort zone, let me offer this as a catalyst: pick a favorite thing of your own, and try to visit a place that has been recognized as a hub for that activity, food, art, trade or custom.
It’s been a long year, and we still aren’t quite able to travel as easily or as far as we may have liked with the cautionary restrictions that are in place. But let’s not forget to explore some new places in the real world when we are presented with the opportunity in the near future. You know in this town that you’re always welcome back, and that there’s a friendly ear to hear your story. And I’m willing to bet that you’ll glean some valuable habits to better your work, home or environment in addition to the souvenirs collected along the way. The further you stray from home, the deeper the differences. If your experience isn’t enjoyable, your home becomes that much more precious. If you loved your time away, perhaps you can bring a piece of the experience that you enjoyed back with you - a recipe or a way to greet a friend. Communication and understanding are greatly improved after spending time with folks who don’t speak the same way (or the language) that you do.
Expand your borders, explore your world, enhance your community and always appreciate where you came from.