Working Out With Intention
Working Out With Intention
SOOO, pretty much every article I write, I second guess. Was it too long, did I give enough information on my topic or did I give too much and lose my reader, was I too preachy, and - is anyone really interested in what I am rambling on about?
So this week I am going to back track to an article I wrote a few issues ago about the duration of time for an effective workout and tag onto that - working out with intention. What that means is whatever length of time your workout is, you do it with purpose, resolve and determination.
I see this firsthand every day I train my clients. Some are scheduled to workout for an hour, but really only want to put effort into 20-30 minutes’ worth of work, and even that work looks like a walk-through. Other clients are scheduled for a 30- or 45-minute workout and train so hard that in the first 10 minutes their heart rate is at 80% of their max and they are pushing themselves to complete every rep with resolve.
The length of time you workout will only produce results when you “show up!” Not just physically, but mentally. It’s one of the reasons I left the typical gym and opened a studio - I wanted to make the most of my client’s time with an effective and efficient workout. Your time IS precious and valuable and if you want to get results you need to focus. IF you struggle to focus or are strapped for time, then less is more - I like to train hard 3 days a week and light on the other days. That does not always work out for me, so instead of feeling like I am falling behind or like I am slacking, I decide what my objective is and I put 2/3 exercises that are opposing muscle groups together (back/chest, biceps/triceps, quads/hamstrings etc.) I will create a smaller workout and complete it 3 times through with intention.
Honestly, short and sweet workouts done hard will get you better results in the long run than lengthy workouts done poorly. And, with the amount of stress we put on ourselves already, keeping it simple can be exactly the boost your body requires to reap the many benefits physical activity offers.
Also, do not think for one minute that you need to be in a gym to get a good workout. This winter has given us the most beautiful snow we have seen in years. Nordic and Alpine skiing, as well as snowboarding and snowshoeing, are excellent ways to exercise. Even a brisk walk can do wonders for your mood and body.
I guess what I would like you to take away from this article is that whatever you do that gets you on your feet and moving is beneficial, and if you make it purposeful, you will feel a true sense of accomplishment knowing you put forth your best in completing what you set out to do.
Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit her Facebook page or