Featured News
Lace Up Your Running Shoes
This fall, Ellicottville wants more people to discover the joy of running.
Breakaway Adventures: Early Deer Season
Early Archery Season is about to open in New York State!
Ellicottville Ghost Walks
The Ellicottville Historical Society is having the ghost walks around Ellicottville.
Enchanted Forest
If you’ve never experienced Audubon Community Nature Center’s Enchanted Forest, now is the time to reserve your spot for a magical evening on October 4 or 5.
Fall Inspired Art Classes
The chill of fall is here and the coolest of art classes are at Tri-County Arts Council.
EA2EVL Fondo
The Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail (ECRT) is hosting a 42-mile charity bike ride from East Aurora to Ellicottville on October 5th.
Time to Get Spooky
The Nightmare Hayrides is readying to open for their 2024 season and they’ve got a great crew of haunters ready to make you shriek.
Fall Road Trips
Take time to explore the outdoors and find yourself immersed in the spectacular sights our area has to offer.
A Fall Tradition
This event is always a really good time with plenty of entertainment, food and fun for the whole family.
Rotary Chili Cook-Off
The preparations are set. The baskets for the raffle are assembled. At least sixteen chili makers are planning their best recipes.
Open House Resource Fair
This event, which is intended for homeowners, renters, landlords, senior citizens, families, and small businesses will serve to educate, and assist community members.
Celebrate the Worldwide Day of Play
Celebrations of the Worldwide Day of Play are happening globally on Saturday, September 28th.
Best in Show
The Tri-County Arts Council presents “Buck Up Buttercup” featuring 2023 Southern Tier Biennial Best in show winner, Tammy Renée Brackett.
Lunch and Learn
The event, titled “Simplify Your Life at Your Pace,” will take place in person at the Olean Business Development building.
Live, Love, Lax
A full weekend of exhilarating sportsmanship is set to take place September 21st and 22nd when Ellicottville hosts the highly anticipated Lacrosse Festival.
The Perfect Season for Chili
The Rotary Club of Ellicottville invites chili makers from near or far to throw down the gauntlet and challenge rival chili makers to a duel of chili masters.
Play for the Playground
Bigfoot Park Golf hosts 1st Annual Sasquatch Cup Tournament to benefit the Ellicottville Playground Project.
Night Lights
To get an inside look at the workings of NIGHT LIGHTS, we asked creator Doug Sitler numerical questions about 12 years of lighting up the sculpture park.
Adventures at the Library
The Ellicottville Memorial Library’s Summer Reading Program has come to a close, but hopefully the fun memories will remain.