Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Tempo Training… Slow Down

One of the many things I stress as a professional personal trainer is the speed or tempo at which you perform an exercise. Very often I need to tell clients to slow down, stop jerking and to feel the movement.

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Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW

New Year, New You… Now What?

As the excitement, buzz, and movement towards personal growth, prosperity, and wellness gains momentum this month, let us just remember patience and compassion within. Americans often approach the New Year with enthusiasm, motivation, and energy.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Why Are My Joints Making Noise?

We’ve all been through it… wake up in the morning, stretch your arms and something, somewhere cracks. Sometimes it feels like you’ve relieved tension & other times it just hurts! Should you be worried about this noise that makes people think they’re falling apart? 

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Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW

You Are Enough

We live in a whirlwind of a society that is constantly telling, reminding, and reaffirming us that we are just not enough. Whether that “not enough" storyline be: not smart enough, not wealthy enough, not skinny enough … the list just goes on.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Embrace the Challenge!

You’ve had it!  You’re tired of feeling like crud every day, and you are determined to get into shape - mentally a& physically.  Chances are something has happened in your life that has put you into this state of readiness. 

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Posture… Stand Up Straight!

There is a physical deformity crisis that has been developing for years.  I refer to it as ‘Schlumpiness’.  That’s right, schlumpiness, which means posture befitting our prehistoric predecessors.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Everyone Has A Story

Everyone has a story … from the time you take your first breath, you begin to accumulate experiences and lessons. Your world is shaped by so many factors from family values and world morality, love and loss, prosperity and despair.

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Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW Health & Fitness Laura Widger, LCSW

A Simple, Mindful Moment

When humans live through and survive something stressful or stress inducing, it is normal for our cores to jumble or experience shock. Remedies that can bring us back to equilibrium is the practice of mindfulness and meditation. 

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