February Astrology

February Astrology…

There’s a Shift in Energy Taking Place

Have you noticed a very recent shift in your energy, in the way you feel about your outer world? About your own trajectory at this moment in time? Prepare to shift and turn on a dime in a way you would never expect. Welcome to Aquarius season. On steroids. This isn't just for this month, it's for the next couple years!

What it appears like to me, is like a spell being broken that was cast over the collective! The systems and foundations that generations up to and including Gen X were raised upon, came to a grinding to a halt as the world closed its doors (Jan 2020). This prompted the collective to seriously question these foundations and deeper, the integrity of leadership on a global scale. 

As I speak with clients, and people in the shop, look at the astrology and pay close attention to the visuals and spiritual guidance, there is ZERO doubt in my mind the magnitude of this and the next 3-4 years will have every person's tectonic plates shifting with you being in the center of the vortex. The vortex represents the whirlwind of your outer world and what you consume, including media. 

More and more pressure will likely stack up, because the universe is trying so hard to get you to break patterns and make important game changing decisions to help you flow more; instead of continuing to force something that is not right for you. Not in alignment with your purpose. I cannot believe how strong this is. No one will be unscathed unless you feel you are whole-heartedly living your purpose.

We all know deep inside what IS for our greater good but for smaller reasons of convenience or other justifications, we don't honor that. This ends with 2023. The bottom drops out if you are living out of integrity. This means the job you hate but it pays the bills - will close, or fire you, or some other event forces you out.

It means relationships that are not mutually supportive and honoring - you will get ill to stay - aversions become a growing elephant in the room at home; it can show up in your body (hives, skin reactions, nausea), in your pets, in your air quality and breathing (feeling suffocated).

It means if you want to relocate and haven’t - the structure of your living space may need mass repair, a major problem with the route home, some big annoyance that you can’t ignore about the residence grows and forces your hand. It could be a horrible new neighbor or vicious dog suddenly is in the neighborhood or next door. Something will occur to force your hand and make you get out and move.

Your health and what you eat – as the energies on our planet are changing (no, it’s not climate change) many people are now suddenly turned off by junk food they once loved. Klondike bars now taste like petrol for example. Our bodies are becoming more photonic light energy and will demand more pure “fuel” be put into it. Notice on the back of your favorite brands of cookies (I saw it on Oreos and Nutter Butters) it now states, “Made from a bioengineered food item” - Who the heck wants that?! (Expect to see plenty more ‘manufactured meat’ and other types of ‘foods’ – and make a decision that is right for you.)

How you appear - people are getting new styles, new attitudes, having their own new sets of eyes, realizations and epiphanies, not fitting in is the new norm! That is Aquarius energy.

Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at suzy-woo.com or call 716-699-2871.


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