Regional No-Author Regional No-Author

Cattaraugus One Stop Career Center

What exactly is the Cattaraugus One Stop Career Center?  Bret Marvin, center manager, replied, “Our goal is to provide constructive, convenient information to employers, businesses, workers and job seekers in Cattaraugus County.

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Regional Mary Heyl Regional Mary Heyl

Lucky Day Homestead

For Emily Tingue, owner of Lucky Day Homestead in Machias, there are some things that just get better with time. Whether it’s a family recipe passed down for generations, the beautiful hay barn that’s been part of the family homestead for 120 years, or age-old arts

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Regional Jessica Schultz Regional Jessica Schultz

Repair the Rail Cars!

It’s hard to make sense of the destruction people cause sometimes, especially when it happens to a staple historic attraction. This past week, the Salamanca Rail Museum had all four of its rail cars vandalized, resulting in over $9,000 worth of damage.

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Regional Carol Fisher-Linn Regional Carol Fisher-Linn

Foster Care

It’s real. It’s a part of life. It can be challenging, but It’s also rewarding. Today, in Cattaraugus County, 41 kids live in foster care. Is fostering a child something you have ever considered?

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Regional No-Author Regional No-Author

Hi-Y Farm Expands

This year, Hi-Y Farm Hemp, who has been a local, licensed hemp grower since 2017, will expand to include hemp building services under a new arm of operation: Hi-Y Hemp Building Company. 

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Regional No-Author Regional No-Author

Squirrel Appreciation Day

It’s that time of year! The calendar has rolled around to January and here at the Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce, we will recognize Saturday, January 21, 2023 as National Squirrel Appreciation Day. 

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Regional No-Author Regional No-Author

CRCF Director Retiring

The Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation (CRCF) board of directors has announced that long-time Executive Director Karen Niemic Buchheit plans to retire September 1.

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