Donations Needed
Donations Needed
WNY Red Cross Needs Blood Donors
Let’s get straight to the point: the WNY American Red Cross could really use your help! The need for new blood is constant to ensure a healthy and reliable supply. All blood types are welcome and your contribution could help save or change a life. The Western New York chapter serves Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Niagara, Olrleans, Wyoming and Genesee counties and any participation is most helpful.
Blood that is donated through the Red Cross is used to help patients of all ages, including burn victims, trauma patients, patients with cancer and other chronic diseases. Though there are some requirements to be able to donate, it’s actually a very easy process. You just need to be over the age of 16, weigh at least 110 lbs., be in good health and feeling well. (Some medications my limit your ability to participate, so it’s always best to speak with your health professional before scheduling an appointment.)
You can call to set up an appointment at the Buffalo office, 786 Delaware Avenue, 716-886-7500 or by reaching out to the Falconer office, 50 Hough Hill Road, 716-664-5115. Please also keep in mind that you can check your local community calendars for closer donation events if you are unable to set something up for one of the main locations. Local schools, churches and sometimes even businesses will host events to help.
For those here in Ellicottville, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 6360 Route 242 East, will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, February 10 from 1:00pm-6:00pm. You can book your time slot online at, where you can also search other upcoming blood drives in the area.
Giving blood, gives back to the community. Sign up to donate today!