Cattaraugus One Stop Career Center
Cattaraugus One Stop Career Center
Part of a Nationwide Workforce Development System Designed to Help Capable Employees Find Better Jobs
OLEAN - What exactly is the Cattaraugus One Stop Career Center? Bret Marvin, center manager, replied, “Our goal is to provide constructive, convenient information to employers, businesses, workers and job seekers in Cattaraugus County. We are part of a nationwide workforce development system designed to help capable employees find and train for better jobs and to help employers find and train qualified employees.”
One resource that many employers use at the center is the Basic Skills Assessment. “Employers utilize the testing, but many employers aren’t sure what exactly it is,” added Mr. Marvin.
He continued, “Our fully trained One Stop staff offers FREE Basic Skills assessment testing (TABE test) to let individuals and potential employers know what areas they may be strong in (or what areas may need brushing up). Many local employers now require TABE testing prior to consideration for employment.” Please contact Cindy Kifer at 716-373-1880 ext. 261, for availability and more information.
In addition to the testing, workshops are planned in person every month. In addition to computer training and job search skills, the orientation/career planning workshop is a great tool for those new to unemployment, looking to change job paths or new to the area.
Cheryl Keesler, Employment Specialist stated, “This workshop provides an overview of the job search and career development resources and services offered through the One Stop. It also provides information on a variety of tools in order to research career opportunities and the steps necessary for achieving specific goals.”
Most services are offered at no cost to the job seeker. The One Stop Career Center is located at 175 North Union Street in downtown Olean with hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, to register for the workshop, or questions, please call 716-375-2890 or visit online at Cattco.Org/one-stop.