Hi-Y Farm Expands
Hi-Y Farm Expands
Hi-Y Hemp Building Company to Offer Hemp Building Material, Custom Remodels
ELLICOTTVILLE - This year, Hi-Y Farm Hemp, who has been a local, licensed hemp grower since 2017, will expand to include hemp building services under a new arm of operation: Hi-Y Hemp Building Company.
Owned by partners, Chris and Jessica Golley of Mansfield, NY, Hi-Y Hemp Building Company will initially be offering hemp flooring and hemp insulation as options in small custom rebuilds or renovations.
Chris, who has more than 20 years of experience in the building industry, said that building with hemp materials has been an aim since first entering the hemp space. “One of our main discussions when we first started as growers, was to eventually use hemp building materials as they achieved more wide-spread approval and usage.”
Over the past year, hemp building materials have received certification under U.S. Residential Building Codes/International Residential Code. More materials will be integrated as they obtain official approval.
Chris also said that the benefits of using hemp materials for building are widespread. “Hemp, in general, is a sustainable crop. Along with this sustainability, we have learned so much about the durability and strength of the hemp fiber as farmers and are now starting to see that translated into building materials,” he said. “Hemp building materials are more durable, nontoxic, more fire resistant, and also mold resistant. These are great benefits for our community.”
Jessica said that one immediate goal, regionally, is to work with officials and the community to educate on hemp building materials and their uses. “Since we started in the hemp industry, local education has been key - whether it is about growing the crop in New York or about our hemp products - we are ready to share our knowledge and help others learn about the benefits that are available in the hemp industry, including hemp building materials.”
For more information or to discuss a custom project, contact Hi-Y Hemp Building Company at 716-969-3616. Operations are slated to begin later this year.