Local, Business Jessica Schultz Local, Business Jessica Schultz

Pizza Perfection Status

Pizza… The quintessential food beloved the world over. However you toss it, it’s a staple for most people we know. It’s also a huge topic of contention. Who has the best pizza in town? In the county? 

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Local, Business Jessica Schultz Local, Business Jessica Schultz

12 Gates of EVL

Looking for a little haven with some tasty beverages, delicious food and laid back ambiance? Welcome to 12 Gates of EVL - they’ve got a seat at the bar for you with much to offer.

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Local, Ellicottville Carol Fisher-Linn Local, Ellicottville Carol Fisher-Linn

Profile: Amy Hayward

She followed her heart. Amy’s long-time partner, Bill Rosenberry, Marketing and Corporate Events Manager at HoliMont, was not going to be convinced to leave Ellicottville, and dilemma! She loved Ellicottville, too.

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