The New Mill Street Parking Lot is Open!
The New Mill Street Parking Lot is Open!
FREE Parking & EV Charging Just a Short Walk from the Center of Ellicottville
If you’ve ever been in Ellicottville on a busy festival weekend, you know that finding a parking space can be a bit of a nightmare. (Here’s looking at you Fall Fest.) Mayor John Burrell and the Village Board addressed this situation and put forth a solution. Following a year of planning and development, spearheaded by Village Board Trustee Doug Bush, the new parking lot on Mill Street is NOW open to the public.
Made possible through a joint grant with Cattaraugus County, the Mill Street Parking Lot is a result of many board meetings, lots of paperwork, and much dedication. Created in part to help ease the congestion experienced during busy weekends, the lot is designed with 125 parking spaces and 4 electric charging stations, and is just a 5-7 minute walk from the center of downtown.
The lights are on for night parking. A footpath is in process of development that will allow users to go from their vehicles directly to Martha Street, in front of where Good for the Spirit Gifts is located. So you’ll be able to pop right over to Monroe Street or take the route towards the Wingate and FTR.
The Village is also working to get the lot up on a geo map to make locating it easier. If you are coming from Kwik Fill, the entrance is located across from Fitzpatrick and Weller, just past the Martha Street turn-off and one house on the right. More visible signage will soon be installed to make the parking lot entrance distinctive. And let’s not forget the best part of this new addition to our village: it’s totally FREE to use!