Featured News
Destination: Fun!
Fall is here and there’s no shortage of festivals and fun things to do around here. Here’s a list of the events to come so you can start planning!
Suzy’s Star Readings: October 2021 Astrology
Hello beautiful new friends. My name is Suzy Woo. I just moved my practice and crystals shop from Orchard Park to incredible Ellicottville. It is my honor to be sharing my star wisdom with you all.
A Letter from the Special Events Committee: Fall Fest 2021
As Ellicottville readies itself to host its largest festival of the year, the Special Events Committee, law enforcement and local officials would like to let you know what they have been working on.
Skatepark Donation
On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, the Rotary Club of Ellicottville presented a check in the amount of $25,000 to members of the Ellicottville Skatepark Committee (SK8EVL).
Town Planning Board Meeting
The Ellicottville Town Planning Board has approved a minor subdivision with conditions for three lots near Somerville Valley Rd., and set a public hearing on a special use permit for a bar at a private indoor golf club on Route 219.
Helping Those Who Helped Our Military
Over 300 Afghans will resettle in the Buffalo and Western New York area. They are refugees by definition, but not in the eyes of the government. Because of the urgency of their evacuation, those coming are labeled “humanitarian parolees.”
Neilon Inducted Into HOF
458 wins, 160 losses and 34 ties. Those numbers may not mean much alone but when put together, they encompass 34 years of history for former Ellicottville Central School girls soccer coach Mary Neilon.
Autumn Adventures
This week marks the beginning of fall, an arrival that has locals and visitors alike anticipating the beautiful changing landscape of Cattaraugus County. However, there is more than just Fall Festival weekend to anticipate.
Good For The Spirit Gifts
What is spirituality? By definition it is: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Simple right? Then why do so many people seem to have preconceived notions about the topic?
Firefly Bagels at Katy’s Cafe
Just like mass transit, skyscrapers, and a vibrant nightlife, fresh bagels are synonymous with big city living and one of the foods Cattaraugus County native Falen Whipple recognized was missing from the Southern Tier food scene.
The Rose Garden
As we get closer to the season of giving, it’s nice to know where one can find unique gifts and beat the madness of the big box stores. Fortunately here in Cattaraugus County, we have quite a few artisans, craftspeople and creative stores at which we can shop with ease.
Ellicottville Village Board Meeting Zoom Link Goes Live
Officials invite participants to take advantage of a "virtual" connection via Zoom to Village of Ellicottville Board meetings. The connection went live this past Tuesday night.
Town Board Meeting
Town resident Vicky Conner says it would be a good idea to cut New York into three self-supporting "autonomous" regions: the New Amsterdam Region, the New York Region and the Montauk Region.
Ellicottville Eyed for Veterinary Hospital
Critters of all kinds may soon find another health care option in a full-service vet clinic in the Village of Ellicottville. A Western NY veterinarian hopes to obtain a special use permit for a new vet business.
A Football Life Remembered
A Celebration of Life for Chuck Crist will be held this Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021 at the Ray Evans Seneca Theater from 4:00-6:00pm. The public is welcome to join his family and share some memories of Chuck.
Fall Celebration of Trees at the Nannen Arboretum
Autumn. The third in our cycle of four seasons and, arguably, the most beautiful. What better place to admire up close the trees at this time of year than at the Nannen Arboretum?
Rotary Club of Ellicottville Kids Halloween Party Cancelled
The Rotary Club of Ellicottville has decided to cancel this year’s Kids Halloween Party due to health concerns regarding Covid-19. However, the Rotary looks forward to hosting family friendly events in the future.
Ellicottville Paranormal Walks
On select Fridays in September and October, the public is invited to join in one of five Ellicottville’s Paranormal Walks and hear the haunted tales of Ellicottville, as well as stories from the archive of first-hand accounts from past ghost hunts.
Rock n’ Roll Weekend Live Music Line-Up
We’ve been preparing and now the countdown is on! Rock N’ Roll weekend has been around for decades, allowing people to step back in time to the good ole’ rock n’ roll days.
Annual Chamber Golf Outing
Spectacular weather on the beautiful greens of Holiday Valley Resort is how several of us spent our evening last Thursday, September 9, 2021 for the Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Golf Outing.