Good For The Spirit Gifts


Good For The Spirit Gifts

Spirituality shop opens in Ellicottville; Suzy Woo invites you to find your connection

What is spirituality? By definition it is: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Simple right? Then why do so many people seem to have preconceived notions about the topic? In my opinion, it is because spirituality can be so heavily tarnished in a society hyper concerned with consumerism and the ever eluding “what’s next?” The next fashion line, the next cell phone, the next car model … it is relentless. We as a society finish something and then don’t even take the time to appreciate what has been created, before we’re on to the next version. 

Spirituality usually finds itself embedded in the disenfranchised - those who have an intimate relationship with misfortune or even pasts smeared with violence. Reverend Suzy Woo knows these perils all too well. As a survivor of domestic violence and late bloomer to spirituality, Woo went into warp speed, “I was hooked, eagerly absorbing the information like a sponge, and started racking up credentials.”

When Woo left her abusive marriage at 39, she started to rekindle her love of astrology. (Out of curiosity, she would study astrology charts of criminals.) Woo launched a nonprofit for domestic violence awareness and advocacy. While participating in an event that involved psychics, she used birthday card money from her father to purchase a reading. Woo was determined to give the psychic, Cassandra Butler, a complete pokerface as she was still highly skeptical, angry and suffering from PTSD. “Well, she [Butler] told me all about myself in detail, and went on to tell me about my mother passing, and specifics about what she enjoyed doing, just as a cardinal flew by behind her, I wept and knew this was real.” Woo befriended Butler and learned the basics, going on to receive her Bachelor’s of Metaphysical Science in January 2019.

“I was a skeptic of all that woo woo stuff [pun intended], until I got behind the scenes and learned exactly how it all works.” Then the breakthrough happened and Woo was able to put it into practice. She could confidently use it and explain it in terms those not accustomed to spirituality could identify with. “Now I teach everything I have learned.”

She was sure to emphasize it's not magic. “It’s done by becoming aware of your own consciousness, and working with an energetic field that we all have access to. We are born with these abilities, but because of upbringing and belief systems, most are usually reprimanded to ignore or shut down this ability or labeled as 'out there’.” That was a heavy truth pill for this elder millennial to swallow; Woo was speaking directly to me but to everyone at the same time. To me, that is magic.

Woo found her new home in Ellicottville after aligning her intentions with the new moon, asking to manifest the best location to move her Orchard Park practice to. The space was no longer conducive to seeing clients and having a shop. “The very next night I remembered that my realtor told me he sent some potentials via email. I opened the first one up and BAM I knew that was the one, I felt it in my gut.” Woo came to see the space on Martha Street the next day, fell in love with it and shook hands with the owner right then and there. “It was a done deal.”

“We relocated here in sultry heat and humidity and opened September 1st. In divine timing, my new full-time employee, Cayla, did a manifestation of her own for her dream job.” She is far beyond anything Woo wished for and “she is absolutely the cherry on top of this cake!” There is also one part time associate, Lexi, who is responsible for the website listings and inventory. “We are the perfect trio!  Now I can run my private practice and have the shop up and running at the same time!” (Something she could not do in her Orchard Park location.) “This space is the answer to all of my prayers as a lightworker to help shine, shine, shine!”

Currently the shop is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:00am-6:00pm, with plans to open 7 days a week in the future. Find the shop on Facebook and Instagram at @GoodfortheSpiritGifts or go to their website at Woo also invites you to follow her personal handle @SuzyWooHealer and her website is  Be sure to stop by Good for the Spirit Gifts’ Grand Opening event Oct. 1st-3rd, when Suzy and her team will be offering specials, raffles and giveaways all weekend long. Find the event on FB for additional details.

Many of the items Woo offers are from local artisans who have become friends of hers. “I love to 'share the stage.’” Aside from the artisan contributions, Woo personally loves the gongs and singing bowls. “They tickle the deepest part of our soul. They, along with our tuning forks, are perfect for people who just can't shut off their mind - the sound healing tools do it for you.” 

And of course, the crystals. What spiritual shop is complete without crystals? “I really love them, and love helping people connect with the perfect crystals for their current state of being.” Good for the Spirit Gifts is in Woo’s words, “primarily a crystals shop, that expanded into energy tools, aromatherapy and anything you could imagine wanting in a meditation room.”  

Along with a wide range of items available to purchase, Woo provides spiritual energy healing. “I have some of the top technology available that gives you measured evidence of your results.” She does medical intuitive readings, astrology charts, and psychic, mediumship, tarot readings in addition to being an ordained minister. Woo holds spiritual retreats, workshops and group healings. She also offers private transformational weekend intensives. “My services are portable - I do reading parties, and I bring my big gongs out for special events to offer sound healing/gong baths, as well as cacao ceremonies. I do these types of things on the road, too, and love touring.”

Woo is a compassionate, approachable and down to earth healer that helps people to feel seen, heard, and validated, helping people to understand who they are at soul level. 

Leaving you with a final thought from Woo and a reminder to slow down, dive in and check out the world of spirituality for yourself … there is no one size fits all model and that is what I love about spirituality. “Everything is love, that is all there is. It's not hippy stuff, it is absolute truth. You can do everything and anything when it is rooted in love.”


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