Suzy’s Star Readings: October 2021 Astrology


Suzy’s Star Readings: October 2021 Astrology

Hello beautiful new friends. My name is Suzy Woo. I just moved my practice and crystals shop from Orchard Park to incredible Ellicottville September 1st.  

As the type of person who never, ever fit in, it has been tear-jerking to be so well-received here.  It is my honor to be sharing my star wisdom with you all in this new monthly column for ellicottvilleNOW.

The astrology of October 2021 revolves around relationships, justice, truth, and doing what is right; but what is true for one might be untrue for another, so trigger points are being activated.

We start the month with SEVEN celestial bodies retrograding, meaning from Earth’s perspective, they appear to be going backwards. It’s like when you’re at a stop light and the car next to you eases off the brake and you feel like you are going backwards. The energies of a retrograde planet are weakened and in the personal chart, their energies become more internalized.

One of these seven is the infamous Mercury retrograde; meaning the symbolism of Mercury goes backwards … there could be communication breakdowns, scheduling errors, emails that don’t get through, and computer glitches. There could be vehicle and transportation hiccups too.

The sun and Mars are standing together in the sign of Libra, representing balance, harmony and the scales of justice.  They are opposing the wounded healer, Chiron. We have to look at something that triggers us, which speaks to our own wounds, and we are ready to stand up for ourselves. We want peace, healing, balance and justice for all. It seems a greater and benevolent power steps in.

October 6th is a new moon, which is not visible in the night sky, so it’s a great time to star gaze. With new moons, set new intentions. There is a lot of cardinal energy in the sky, meaning new ideas come in, brainstorming, launching new ideals or precedents is favorable.

The next day, expect some secret(s) to be revealed, something dark comes to light. A new truth is shown.

October 9th, the sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury are smack on top of one another, still in Libra, and at the same time we have a moon who just landed in Sagittarius, connecting with Venus and the south node. More truths are being discussed, and all sides of an issue get their day in court as topics of concern regarding inequality are aired. Belief systems may come under question, as old, conventional ways and means have new light shed on them.

By mid-month, Pluto and Saturn both go direct, so their energies move forward. Plans that got side-railed can be picked back up again. It is possible there could be additional restrictions and manipulation of power at this time from a corporate/governmental standpoint.

The 18th, benevolent Jupiter AND communicative Mercury go direct. This is a great thing. Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius favors community level functions, healing, holistic measures.  Mercury is still in Libra, so negotiations are back on the table. A sense of relief, release, and general optimism is likely. Something new may be passed to bring both sides of a conflict into balance.

Oct 20th is a full moon in Aries. Things fully come to light with full moons, and the people may become angered.

The higher expression is good leadership, motivation and action, healthy competition, movement, the need to move or exercise, to blow off steam. The lower expression is reactive, anger, aggression, military. On a personal level, you may feel edgy, angry, or decide to DO SOMETHING, taking action towards something that you are passionate about. But beware of verbal vomit, and please, practice the pause.

We end the month with a lot of fixed energy, so it is a great time to focus and finish your projects. Clean up, prepare for the next season, tie up your loose ends. We will be in a good position for forward movement, since 4 of the 7 luminaries will have switched from backward, hesitant, stagnant or fudged-up status to a forward and more favorable, able-to-complete type of energy.

My best advice is to learn to live from your heart, and life will become much simpler, easier and more fulfilling. If you need help figuring out how, please reach out for a consultation and see how these energies play out in your own personal chart.

I would love to field some astrology-based questions; please send them along to I'd like to answer ones that can relate to many, so please save specific personal type questions for a personal consultation.

Enjoy October, take time to breathe deep and smile! Make room for more joy in your life. Make it so.  Look up and say hi.

Love, your sister from the stars, Suzy Woo

Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium, also specializes in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB or find her at


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