Why Weight Loss Is So Much More Than Fitness & Food

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Why Weight Loss Is So Much More Than Fitness & Food

When it comes to losing weight, you will find this task is so much more than just adjusting your exercise and diet.  This is why there are weight loss programs, apps and ‘miracle pills’ all over the internet/social media.  This constant streaming of what is beautiful and healthy and acceptable has made the task of getting healthy very confusing. This confusion can lead many to just rebel against anything that remotely will challenge us since the change feels to unattainable. But over the last few years, I’ve learned that most of us just rebel against ourselves. Think about it. How many times have you set out to accomplish a goal or task only to find yourself procrastinating or flat-out sabotaging your own efforts? Started a weight-loss plan on a Monday and are eating directly out of the ice-cream tub by Wednesday? Vowed to go to the gym every morning this week only to find yourself oversleeping?

I see so many people who struggle with this day after day that I wanted to share just a few tips for better understanding - and overcoming - this self-defeating weight-loss barrier.

1. Stop berating yourself.  We all beat ourselves up from time to time. Whether it’s comparing yourself unfairly to someone else, blaming yourself for something you cannot control or just taking yourself too seriously, even the most confident of us fall off the loving-yourself wagon occasionally. But loving yourself as you are right now is essential to getting out of your own way.

2. Find the right reason to lose weight. Sure, we all want to look good and fit in a certain pant size, but losing weight just for vanity’s sake leaves your resolve less than strong. Making change is hard, but connecting to the deeper, life-changing reasons why you want to lose the weight - more energy, better focus, ease of movement, improved health - is a far greater way to motivate yourself when the going gets tough.

3. Focus on the positive. We think “diet” is a four-letter word because, to us, it’s all about what you can’t have. So instead of focusing on the deprivation, swap your thinking to all of the fabulous things you can enjoy. Living a healthy life is about eating delicious and fresh foods that fuel your body and moving your body in a way that you love every day. What’s not to love about that? Life is good - savor it.

4. Get honest with yourself. If you find yourself emotional eating or self-sabotaging, take a deep breathe and ask, “Whom am I really rebelling against?” Many times we choose unhealthy behaviors (almost unconsciously) in defiance of husbands, friends, family or co-workers in an attempt to gain control or have power. Or we are rebelling against ourselves because, deep down, we don’t feel like we’re worthy of the positive changes we’ve set forth to make. These issues could be leftover from childhood or may show a lack of confidence in ourselves or an inability to emotionally express ourselves. No matter the reason, do some soul-searching to see what’s affecting you. Awareness - and loving understanding - is the only way to overcome it.

5. Don’t treat it like a fairy tale. When it comes to being healthy, there is no “happily ever after.” Living a healthy life is a balance, and it’s about consistency over time - every day for the rest of your life. So don’t think of your weight-loss plan as something that ends on a certain day or at a certain goal. Instead, view it as a journey where you get to keep learning, growing and changing!

Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit her Facebook page or www.coreperformancefitness.com. Kim can be reached at 716-698-1198.

Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit www.coreperformancefitness.com or visit her Facebook page. You can also email Kim at kduke65@gmail.com.


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