Featured News
Four Ellicottville Graduates Receive CRCF Scholarship Awards
Four Ellicottville Central School graduates recently received scholarship awards from funds managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Ellicottville Library Kicks Off Kids Summer Reading Program
The Ellicottville Memorial Library invites children from birth up through 12th grade to participate in the Summer Reading Program, where they will learn about five of the most well known classes of creatures.
New Presidents Sworn in For the Ellicottville & Olean Rotary Clubs
Doug Anderson, Rotary Club of Ellicottville President; and Paula Bernstein and Jeri Fedora, Olean Rotary Club Co-Presidents, were sworn in during a recent meeting at the Old Library Restaurant.
Summer in Ellicottville
School’s out. Temps are up. Events are ON! It’s wonderful to see the return of graduation parties, full attendance weddings, and concerts both big and small. Combine these with pool days, backyard BBQs and bonfires and I’d say we’re back to celebrating the summer in non-Covid style!
Stroll the Streets
The best excitement is always the unexpected, and unexpected is just what people have come to love about Ellicottville’s Stroll the Streets. On Friday evenings, the streets of Ellicottville come alive in the summer.
“HillTap” at Holiday Valley
42 North Brewing Company is hosting the 1st Annual HillTap Festival at Holiday Valley Resort in Ellicottville, NY. HillTap will be a day-long festival that integrates craft beer, music, and adventure sports atop the mountain at Spruce Lake.
Happy Birthday, Ellicottville
There’s no time like the present to celebrate the past, and next weekend is the perfect occasion to honor 201 years of the town of Ellicottville! The Historical Society is hosting the bicentennial celebration, complete with a street dance, parade, and so much more!
Poole-ing Together
In early June, Bradley Poole, a local trainer and business owner, started a run of ultramarathon proportions – 300 miles in 3 short days to raise money and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Stepping Into The Challenge
There comes times in our live when we have little ‘bumps in the night’; when things stand up and stand out that serve as a call to attention. Often times these things are uncomfortable to begin with, and it seems like addressing the issue will only give focus and power to it.
The Full Outdoor Experience
When you’re looking for the full outdoor experience, Holiday Valley has it all. From the pool and Cabana Bar to Sky High to mountain biking and chairlift rides, you’re sure to find something fun to do this summer.
From Ski to Golf
Black Diamonds aren’t just a winter thing. With ski season behind us and the green carpet rolled out, the Double Black Diamond Golf Course at Holiday Valley is in full swing.
Town Planning Board Notes
The Ellicottville Planning Board in a 5-1 vote Monday approved a revised site plan, with conditions, for the Tiny Home Village at 6881 Rt. 243 West (Fish Hill Rd.)
Town Board Notes
On Wednesday, June 16th, the Ellicottville Town Board met to discuss zoning regulations, COVID restrictions and state tax share incentive for retail cannabis.
Summer Music Festival COVID Restrictions Removed
Following review of NYS’s recent announcement of easing or removal of many COVID restrictions, the Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce Board has decided to remove current COVID-19 venue restrictions for its 2021 season events.
Help Ellicottville Library Celebrate 60 Years!
The Ellicottville Memorial Library is proud to have served the community for 60 years connecting people to information, experiences and services so our community can learn, enjoy & thrive.
The Power of a Tourney
Holiday Valley is pleased to host two annual tournaments that the community has supported for many years! The Eddie Szpaicher Golf Classic will be held July 14th and the Ellicottville Library Pro Am will take place August 9th.
NOW this… by Spence
Describing the past 15 months as “breezy” might not be the best way to put it. The pandemic’s effects will be felt far beyond this year or even next as we collectively attempt to right the ship and get society back on course.
Kick Back & Relax
Book your summer getaway now! Here’s a list of just some of the accommodations you can choose from when you book your stay in Ellicottville. There’s options to fit every budget and lifestyle.
Summer Shop Local
Step into summer with some of our top product picks for the season! From golf apparel to fashion and accessories to skincare essentials, you’ll be summer ready in no time!
Village Planning Board Notes
On Tuesday, June 8th, the Ellicottville Village Planning Board gathered for their first in-person discussion since the pandemic began. The agenda saw three public hearings and five items of business.