Village Planning Board Notes

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Village Planning Board Notes

Board reviews architectural designs, accessory apartments, and sign permit application by the Gin Mill

On Tuesday, June 8th, the Ellicottville Village Planning Board gathered for their first in-person discussion since the pandemic began. The agenda saw three public hearings and five items of business, with most matters centering on architectural additions throughout the village. 

The meeting, which took COVID-19 safety procedures into account, began with a public hearing for a new single-family home at 74 Elizabeth St. The project’s initial design was approved by the board. There were no comments from the public, but the board did specify that the alleyway behind the property was open to the neighborhood’s public. Prior to approving the application, the board had concerns regarding the setback of the property and the amount of snow that it would collect. The applicants agreed to acknowledging this issue and the board continued with the project’s approval.      

Following the approval of 74 Elizabeth St., the board went over a special use permit for an accessory apartment at 1 Monroe St. The applicant hoped to establish an apartment within a garage space. Despite a thorough application, however, the village recently placed a moratorium on accessory apartments. This moratorium applies to village-wide properties, and hopes to lay down an inclusive but fair path for accessory apartment and lock-out room applications. After taking note of the moratorium guidelines, the board decided to table the application for now. 

The next item on the agenda consisted of a site plan and architectural design review of a new single-family home at 8 Fillmore Dr. The Planning Board previously discussed the design of the project and were content with the conditions. Following a conversation surrounding the planting and landscape plans for the home, the board members complimented the project and approved the application. 

The Planning Board moved on to a sign permit application for the local restaurant, the Gin Mill. The proposed sign will hang underneath the location’s balcony, just above the main entryway. The board discussed the specific conditions surrounding village signs. Once all board members agreed on the design, they approved the application. 

The meeting concluded with talks over the 2022 Comprehensive Plan. While there is no progress on the matter, the local government needs members from the Zoning Board of Appeals to join a focused committee on the moratorium. 

Ellicottville’s Village Planning Board looks forward to their next in-person meeting on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. Those interested in attending next month’s VPB meeting can contact Village/Town Planner Gary Palumbo at for meeting information.


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Congratulations Katie Krotz