Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Can You Eat too Much Fruit?

Fruit is a key part of a healthy eating plan. But fruit contains natural sugars, and some types are fairly high in calories. So some people may wonder whether they’re eating too much of it.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Proper Hydration

When I complete a fitness assessment with any potential new client, I not only want to learn about their goals and limitations, but also, what their diets look like. My first dietary question is always about hydration.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Take a Walk

Physical activity is essential for healthy living. But you don’t have to run marathons or do other high-intensity activities to stay healthy.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

The Art of Training With BOSU

Core Performance Fitness and Training is not your typical fitness studio/gym. Our studio is filled with unique equipment that requires your body to be the machine vs. machines that work your body. One of our favorite pieces of equipment is the BOSU ball.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Learn How to Stretch Correctly

Stretching is a kind of generic word we hear all the time from trainers, therapists and even doctors, but typically do not take the time or even have the know-how to complete an effective and efficient stretching routine.

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Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer Health & Fitness Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

What is the TRX System?

The TRX System, also known as Total Resistance Exercises, refers to a specialized form of suspension training that utilizes equipment developed by former U.S. Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick.

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