March Astrology
March Astrology
Not so fast… Watch your words and leave the past behind you. Be open to new ways of getting to the same goals.
Hooray! Finally we can see longer days, more bluebirds and robins are appearing, clocks go ahead in a week and we can come out of hibernation! March is quite a busy month in the sky.
We have a full moon lunar eclipse March 14th in Virgo and the new moon day is a solar eclipse on March 29th. We never launch things during an eclipse, because it will be as if it never happened, the energy is eclipsed. Any surgeries should be avoided on these days and if possible two days before and after.
March 3rd the mental zippy planet of communication, Mercury, bolts into Aries. You may feel really excited to share things and go overboard - butting in to conversations, getting loud, prematurely springing into action with things and getting wound up. You may verbally team up and attack others, but hold your tongue, because you may have to eat those words when Mercury goes retrograde mid-month. It will slip back into Pisces, soft and subtle. Oops! “I pray for forgiveness for what I have said, I didn’t know…” Think of a bully who then sees the actual life of his victim, then feels horrible for their choices and stops being so garish.
Venus, too, will be slipping back from assertive, get-out-of-my-way fiery Aries, retrograding back into subtle intuitive Pisces March 26th. Venus will be retrograde March 1st until April 12th. When Venus goes retrograde, don’t have cosmetic surgery, a new hair style or new tattoo, as when she moves forward you’ll hate it. Important note about Venus Rx is that we hear from our exes and other people from our past, who need to stay there.
And March brings us the Spring Equinox on the 20th, welcoming in Aries season - the true start of the year, especially agriculturally.
Here is how it will play out by the element. Use your rising sign, sun and/or moon sign. This will be very impactful for all this month.
Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: You come bursting with life into the new month ready to take on the world, but then have to curtail just a little to allow others to also have a voice. Don’t overpower them, they are important too. Think of the lion and the mouse story. Everybody matters. You’ll have your chance to pick back up after considering the mark you leave on others. Have the strength to apologize where applicable; and come back to play a little nicer when we arrive to the Spring Equinox. You will definitely have to take your own medicine this month so be sure you are being honest and don’t overstep boundaries of others.
Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn: The eclipses are shaking you up, asking if you are ready to level-up your skills, your talents and do the ASK. What is it you need? You must ask; don’t assume everyone can read your mind. This is your month to realize what you want, what you need and take the reins to pursue it all. Take good care of your immune system and overall health; you might want to supplement with Colloidal Silver, chlorophyll, zinc or other immune system booster. The fiery people in your life can get a bit loud and in your face; it’s up to you to let them know. If they respect you, they’ll come back later and apologize with a peace offering, giving you the opportunity to discuss your needs and overall goals. New sources of income are wanting to find you, stay alert for new avenues of income!
Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius: Strong start, more somber finish. The beginning of the month is fanning your flame to speak out, write, sing loud and enjoy life, and as long as you are not teasing others too strongly, it’s all good. This is your creative garden preparing to thaw and your wonderful projects around technology, AI, speaking and writing wake up feeling like Rip Van Winkle. Exciting energy for you this month, be sure to allow the inclusion of others as it’s a very social month for you. Plan the events, send the invites, double down on checking your emails because Mercury retrograde impacts air signs strongly. Use spell check, Grammarly, etc. before submitting so you don’t end up with egg on your face. Avoid calling people out, because later in the month you will likely find they were telling the truth and you just didn’t have all the information yet.
Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces: Just as you feel things are making sense as we emerge from winter to spring, people seem to be losing their sh… It’s not you. Take a baby step back as people are reactive and it’s a bit much for your sensitivity. At month’s end, you’ll get your say when the embers burn down. Lean in to your intuition which is super strong now and through the 19th. Journal, meditate and use the arts to connect to your inside truths and creativity. The world is getting ready to hear you, and now is just a test. Try not to take the rejections personally as a squeaky wheel may have gotten the grease, they prove all bark and no bite, so you will actually end up getting what you hoped for. Hang in there, and trust in your faith! Create and be ready when that stage is set. We are entering a period of Renaissance and the world seeks your inner understanding of the invisible world. Also pay close attention to your dreams as you’re getting big messages about people you have shared past lives with.
If you would like to see how this plays out for you personally, or want insight on timing to launch a business, timing to get married, ask for a raise, even conceive, this is all in your chart. Feel free to book a private reading session with me in person or online at
Stay hydrated, prayed up and positive. With great love,
Suzy Woo
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Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc. Metaphysician, Spiritual Development, Education, Training and Events, Empowering Retreats, Demonstrations & Performances, M/WBE Certified. Consciousness Medicine Expert: Energy Healer, Astrologer, Medium, Channeler, Medical Intuitive, Sound Healer, Holistic Psychotherapist, Spiritual/Life/Transformation Coach, 2x International Best-Selling Author, Wedding Officiant. Visit her at