Anxiety Group Offered in Ellicottville
Anxiety Group Offered in Ellicottville
Worry is everywhere … near, far, and every place in between. All of us worry, especially during a worldwide pandemic. You are certainly not alone. Robert L. Leahy, PH.D, world renown anxiety and worry specialist reports, “38% of people worry every day, this percentage is representative before the coronavirus, of course. And many people describe themselves as chronic worriers - they say ‘yes, I’ve been a worrier all my life.’ 50% of the people in the United States have had serious struggles with depression, anxiety, or substance abuse at some time; again, this percentage is indicative before this pandemic. Depression, anxiety, and substance abuse have increased during the past 50 years.”
The struggle of worry is one that urgently needs a solution.
With these staggering numbers, an opportunity has arisen in the heart of Ellicottville. Inner Peace and Strength, a new mental and emotional health enterprise, owned by yours truly, Laura Widger, LCSW will be offering a weekly therapeutic support group called “Learn to Soothe Your Anxiety.” I have been working in the field of mental and emotional health within Cattaraugus County for 10+ years. Over the past 9 months, I have witnessed friends, family members, colleagues, clients, community members, etc. struggle with ways to acknowledge, understand, soothe and then quiet those racing anxious thought patterns. With this said, I’ve decided to start and open up a support network for those who need connection with people who totally understand anxiety, as well as skills, methods, and means to harness in those fear based worries.
This therapeutic group will be offered every Tuesday night from 6:30-7:30pm beginning January 5, 2021. This group is open and new members are welcome. Confidentiality and Covid measures are adhered to, with in-person and zoom options available. The United Church of Ellicottville has been an enormous advocate and support of this healing opportunity and has offered to support my efforts and community members in spearheading emotional wellness here in Ellicottville.
This therapeutic and support group will follow a “cognitive behavioral therapy model.” Group members will learn: to identify and recognize how anxiety manifests itself within, to come to an understanding of anxiety’s illogical thinking patterns, to gain an awareness of personal anxiety profiles, as well as the opportunity to be given and practice strategies to soothe anxieties, fears, and worries.
Taking a leap to join a healing network, such as what is offered in this group community, is certainly scary, nerve provoking, and representative of vulnerability. However, taking that first step to call and inquire about group is the hardest part. You will connect with like-minded people, you will learn ways to soothe your anxieties, and you will feel mentally and emotionally more grounded and strong.
In the words of Brene Brown, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change. Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experience.”
For more information about my upcoming support group or to sign up, please contact me directly, Laura Widger, at 716-222-3949.
Laura Widger is a NY State Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 15 years of experience in the field of emotional wellness and mental health. She currently works for CCA-Connecting Communities in Action and specializes in trauma healing with children and adults. She lives in Cattaraugus County with her husband, children, and German short haired dog. Laura personally and professionally strives to promote internal self leadership and the discovery of true genuineness and balance within.