Village Residents Voice Concerns Over Street Flooding
Village Board Notes
Homeowners concerned about street flooding; Chamber announces festival dates
photo / Alley Katz of Ellicottville
The Village Board of Ellicottville, NY gathered on March 18th to discuss the month’s agenda. With all the necessary personnel in attendance, Mayor John Burrell called the evening to order.
Starting off discussions with Good News, it was announced that the Village has received over $23,000 in refunds. Comcast has issued $16,932 for the use of leased space that housed antennas. National Grid also issued a refund of $7,357.36 from the Electric Vehicle Charger Project, part of the newly constructed Mill Street parking lot.
The Board moved on to Business from the Floor. Village residents were in attendance to share their concerns about ongoing flooding issues on Elk Street. Homeowners voiced their experiences on the matter along with discussions of the history of the neighborhood. The Mayor, Mr. Keyser, and Mr. Chudy had responded to recent calls and surveyed the area. It was noted that the sidewalks surrounding 10 & 12 Elk Street are in poor condition and that flooding will only continue to deteriorate their current state. To best address the situation, more information is needed to investigate the causes and costs of the flooding. Following the completion of the Elizabeth Street Project, it has been noted that several other streets are in need of repair, and it was requested for Elk Street to be prioritized at the top of the list. With the necessary costs however, the Village will have to explore when they will be able to budget such a project and how that will affect future taxes. The Board went on to assure residents that they will stay in touch with any upcoming information and discussions regarding the issue.
The Chair of the Village Planning Board, Nancy Rogan, addressed the Board with a request. She suggested that there be an alternate member added to the Planning Board, nominating Sandra Reed Cook for the position. Mayor Burrell had no issue with the request, so long as Ms. Cook is a resident of the Village of Ellicottville. Ms. Rogan then agreed to present the opportunity to Ms. Cook.
Special Events was next to be discussed. Present at March’s Board meeting was the new Executive Director of Ellicottville’s Chamber of Commerce, Barb Pump. Previously working with the Chamber of Commerce for 8 years, her new title brings plenty of excitement to the future of community events and connections. In her attendance, she also introduced two new team members to the Village Board, Laney Hill and Kalia Lippencott. Together they discussed three pending Special Events to the Board. First, the Jazz & Blues Festival, proposed for the weekend of July 26, 2025. It was stated that no changes will be made to the previous year’s events. Next, the Taste of Ellicottville, proposed for the weekend of August 8, 2025. Again, no changes are planned. Lastly, Christmas in Ellicottville, which was proposed for the weekend of November 28, 2025. Minor adjustments were presented for this coming year’s event, including there will not be ice sculptures, and the horsedrawn rides will be located back at Katy’s Café. The Village Board agreed to the proposed dates and adjustments without issue.
Other meeting highlights include:
• The Mayor’s Report was next up on the evening’s agenda. The Short-Term Rental work group is continuing their efforts involving changes around the current laws in place. A final draft has yet to be proposed but it is hoped to be finalized by the new fiscal year.
• A Sign Work Group has been scheduled for March 27th at 4:00pm at the Village Hall with Mr. Loveless, Traffic Sign Technician for Cattaraugus County, who is being brought in as a consultant to discuss with Board members recent residential concerns revolving around traffic patterns and speeding in the village.
• A change to the June 17th Village Board meeting has been agreed to, with a start time at 4:00pm instead of the usually scheduled 6:00pm call to order. This is due to Senator Borrello holding a Town Hall Meeting on the same night.
• An update from the Planning Board, the Village Playground Committee will attend the April 15, 2025, Village Board Meeting. A continuation of their efforts, they have been confirmed as a non-profit organization as well as an attorney working alongside them. An update will be presented to the Board regarding their progress and current funding raised.
• The Parks Department, led by Sean Lowes, updated the Board on the hard work of the Alley Katz. They recently updated the village and gazebo with beautifully decorated spring flair. Check out their new displays while enjoying a walk down Washington Street.
• Mr. Sean Lowes and Mr. Chad Neal have each been elected to the four-year term of Village Board Trustee. Congratulations to them both and to their future efforts to be made.
The Village Board of Ellicottville will next gather on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 6:00pm. Details of each Board meeting can be found at