The City Garage Q&A
The City Garage Q&A
Interview with: Trey Clauss, Customer Experience Coordinator
5 Monroe St. | 716-699-2054
Instagram: @thecitygarage
FB: The City Garage
eNOW: What’s new in fall fashions and designs at The City Garage?
CLAUSS: All new! Winter is always exciting, even after 20 years of starting winters I still get excited for the start to our favorite season. We are still committed to finding brands for our store that you won’t find anywhere else. Our clothing caters to our categories of skis that we sell - Recreation / Enthusiast / and Pro.
eNOW: Anything fun coming for ski season?
CLAUSS: More of everything! We had such a demand for outdoor winter product that we wanted make sure that we had enough for this winter. Cross country skiing and snowshoeing were a big hit - here’s to another snowy and cold winter!
eNOW: Any winter products you’re excited about?
CLAUSS: We have added more to our “uphill” market. More brands and more options for boots. We have been selling telemark and alpine ski equipment for 20 years - Alpine Touring ski equipment is the next step. Spending more time outside when you’re in E’ville is the best way to relax!
eNOW: Care to brag about your bootfitting service?
CLAUSS: Where do we start!? We’ve been fitting boots since well ... a long time! Our team of bootfitters have cultivated quite the rep for fixing people’s feet. Near and far, young and old, beginners to seasoned pros, we can do it all. Our bootfitting service is already up and running for the season, so if you’re looking to take a seat on the coveted “throne” in our upstairs boot room, it’s a good idea to call the shop (716-699-2054) to set up an appointment. Otherwise, you might find yourself stuck in line!
eNOW: What is your favorite new addition to EVL?
CLAUSS: The addition to mountain biking this summer has been so rad - HoliMont really took the bull by the horns and went to town! This has been the biggest expansion in mountain biking that I have seen in the past 20 years. The new winter expansion - how about another high-speed lift for our skiing pleasure!? Holiday Valley has done it again - Yodeler Quad is going to change the game for making fast laps and getting a ton of vertical in a short time. Especially when you’re on your lunch break!
eNOW: Where is your go-to apres spot?
CLAUSS: If you’re a skier, The Ellicottville Depot is the spot! If you haven’t - you must! Make sure you ask to meet the owner. He’s got some storytelling.
eNOW: What is your favorite weekday activity?
CLAUSS: Weekdays are the days to play! With the weekends in most all seasons being the “busy time”, Monday through Friday is our time to shine. Being able to take a day off of work and hit the slopes with little to no lift lines is the key. Make the most of your time and money.