Town Board Meeting Recap
Town Board Meeting Recap
Regulations on Short Term Rentals, New Plans for Crosby Mart, Arboretum Grounds Maintenance and More…
Town of Ellicottville Supervisor Matthew McAndrew called to order the monthly Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 18th. Privilege to the Floor opened with local resident Lynda Neuwirth, urging the Board to consider offering full-time police officers health insurance after retirement as a way to encourage members of the force to keep their service to the area and not outside areas that currently offer this benefit. The Board recognized this issue and noted that it is actively in discussion with the current contract negotiations that they are not able to further discuss.
On another note, Ellen Frank, the newly appointed Town Historian was present and took the opportunity to thank the Board for her acquired position. She went on to inform the Board that the Historical Society has 18 volunteers and that during the months of June through September they welcomed 1,226 visitors to the museum. The museum is currently closed during the winter and spring, but for those interested in the Historical Society and becoming a member, you can find further information on the Town & Village of Ellicottville website at
Moving on to the last matter that was addressed during the Privilege of the Floor, Vicky Connors of the NY Citizens Audit asked the Board to pass a decision on whether to pursue an audit on the NYS general election. While it had been noted during her time on the floor that other towns have allowed for similar situations, the Board themselves asked to see copies of the discussed information before coming to a decision.
The Supervisor’s Report included the topic of the short-term rental committee. The committee had met on October 11th to further discuss a survey that was provided to the municipal officials. The major point that was noted among these surveys was the quality of life for the Town of Ellicottville. It was recorded that garbage and noise issues in correlation to short-term rentals was a strongly felt concern. The communications company, Granicus, that connects the town government to the residents in respects to these short-term rentals will take these concerns into consideration as they draft the regulations to be presented in the mid-November committee hearing.
Also included in the Supervisor’s Report was the Town of Ellicottville’s 2024 Public Preliminary Budget Hearing. This is to be made available for the public on November 8, 2023 at 4:00pm at the Town Hall, 1 W. Washington Street, Ellicottville NY.
There were multiple department heads present to update the Board on the happenings in the Town of Ellicottville. Scot Brumagin of the Highway Department informed the Board that Holiday Valley Road has been paved for the winter and that Niles and Leslie Roads are almost completed. Sand and salt has been ordered for the anticipated winter season and the department has been readying the snowplows to ensure all is in order.
Town Planner Greg Keyser gave an update on the proposed Crosby Mart. New plans have been submitted and are under review including the possibility of a turning lane. Ben Slotman, head of the Engineering Department, had discussed to the Board the Cotter Road Precast Concrete Culvert Project. A bid was proposed by Binghamton Precast & Supply Corp. Included in this bid was a design at 4-½ feet which the County calls to be at least 5 feet for safety concerns. The bid was rejected but a corrected bid is to be expected.
The Police Department’s Don Auge spoke to the Board about the Fall Festival and the police presence and response. This year, parking was not as much of an issue as it has been in previous years.
In New Business, the Board went over the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Ellicottville and the Nannen Arboretum. Attorney Seth Pullen was present for an update on the revision. He went on to explain that this revision will clarify who is responsible for maintenance of mowing, shrubs, trees, buildings, and the hiring of contractors. It will be forwarded to the Nannen Arboretum Board for review and understanding.
In Old Business, Attorney Seth Pullen discussed the Noise and Alarm Laws that will converse with the Village of Ellicottville to coordinate the local laws.
The next monthly meeting of the Ellicottville Town Board will take place Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 6:00pm. For additional information go to