Village Board Meeting Recap
Village Board Meeting Recap
Departments Provide Updates on Sidewalk Lighting, Mill Street Parking Lot and the Water Project
On Tuesday, October 17th, Mayor John Burrell called to order the Village of Ellicottville’s monthly board meeting. The evening began with the Pledge to the flag and then proceeded to the planned agenda.
The Board had a well-constructed and swift meeting running for approximately one hour, with little to no issues at hand. The first topic that was addressed was the approval of the previous Board minutes. The motion was set with no concerns and approved for the Board meeting held September 19, 2023, as well as a special meeting held by the village on September 27, 2023.
The special meeting held by the Village Board of Ellicottville was held to touch base on some subject matter that required some additional information. Tim Tallman, who was present for the meeting, had discussed the village sidewalk lighting updates with a potential lead time of around 6-8 weeks for the first option available and presented. The plan is to go with a heavy-duty steel for the poles as well as utilize the eight existing heads if possible. There would also be a plan to add additional sidewalk lighting to the structures for optimal safety and smart lighting. The Board agreed to the motion and is expecting to move forward with the decided plan and option in place.
Also discussed at the special meeting, approved in the minutes of the regular meeting, was an update to the Elizabeth Street Public Information. In agreement among the members, a public hearing was put in place for Tuesday, October 24, 2023 for an open house forum in discussion with residents regarding the design and information pertaining to the project.
Moving on from the Approved Minutes, the Board also had no issue accepting the Financial Reports and Audits of Claims presented in the evening’s schedule. The reports that were received and reviewed were of the General, Sewer, Parking Plaza, and Skatepark funds of the Village of Ellicottville.
Next up in the order of business, the Planning and Zoning Department prepared a detailed report on the active village permits that are in the works as well as the status of approvals. There was also mention of two current zoning violations in the village that were observed and handled without issue. The full Planning and Zoning Report was accepted by the Board with no opposition.
The Engineering Department had followed with their monthly report to update the Board Members on the current developments and progress in place. The Washington Street Lighting Project was mentioned at the regular meeting and discussed, being sure that all details and plans were set following the discussion at the special meeting. Also reviewed was the Mill Street Parking Lot Project, which is currently ahead of schedule, with wall and fence colors having been selected. The September DPW Report was also reviewed, and it was noted that some maintenance was performed in the removal and pouring of new concrete in front of Five Star Bank, along with some paved sidewalks from Elizabeth Street to the Tops Market.
The Water Division, which is within the Engineering Department, also had an update on the current Water Project. JD Northrup Construction has installed the water main along Route 219 and connected the services. They will continue to work on the restoration of driveways, roads, sidewalks, and lawn areas. The Board took in the information from the Engineering Department’s Report and without any concerns, approved the provided material.
The Members of the Board wrapped up the evening as Mayor John Burrell called the meeting to a close. The Village of Ellicottville Board meets on the third Tuesday of eace month, unless stated otherwise. For additional information, visit