Collections are content that can be re-used throughout the website such as Ads, Articles, Classifieds, Events, and Galleries. After the website is launched, you’ll make the majority of your updates in collections.
Collections can be shown as a list of items using the Summary Block. An example summary block is the “Latest News” grid on the homepage.
Adding a collection item
To add a new item to your collection:
Go to the Pages menu
Click the Collection you’d like to add to, then click the + icon or duplicate a template as instructed below.
Enter a page title, then press Enter. You can change this later.
In the Collection Item’s settings, you can set how many posts appear per page, between one and 20. If your blog posts can't display on one page, an Older Posts link appears at the bottom of the landing page. It's not possible to change this text.
You can also use the Blog Page settings to change other aspects of the page, such as SEO title, social sharing image, and podcasting information.
Collection Item Settings
For each item in your collection, you enter the following items. Individual content items may have specific instructions listed below:
Status - Set the post's publication status
Categories - Add categories to organize your post based on its content
Thumbnail Image - Add a thumbnail image
Author - Set the post's author
Excerpt - Add an excerpt to give readers a sense of the full post
Featured Post - Set it as a featured post.
SEO Title - Add an SEO title to help search engines
SEO Description - Add an SEO description to help search engines
Social Image
Add an Alternate Social Sharing Image to display when the post is shared on social media
Create Email Draft - Send your post as an Email Campaign
Social Media - Automatically share your post to your social media profiles when you publish. You must have connected accounts to share content this way
In the Address fields, add a location to correspond to the blog post
Content Types
The news collection is used to populate the News Feeds used throughout the site.
To add a new news item open the “Base Template” then click “Duplicate”. After duplicating ensure that at least the following fields are completed:
Status - Set the post's publication status and publication date
URL Slug - Enter a unique “slug” for the post. Slugs are dasherized-phrases-with-no-spaces-or-special-characters. This link lets you paste a headline and get back a slug
Categories - Add categories to organize your news by type
Thumbnail Image - Add a thumbnail image
Excerpt - Add an excerpt to give readers a sense of the full listing
SEO Title - Add an SEO title to help search engines
SEO Description - Add an SEO description to help search engines
Social Image
Add an Alternate Social Sharing Image to display when the post is shared on social media (Optional)
Edit Your Page
Enter a title in the red text AND in the image block. The title in red is displayed in summary blocks and search descriptions. The title in the image block is what’s displayed in the individual news item’s page.
Enter content in you page to describe your listing using the Block Editor
To create an ad, open the Ads collection and click the + icon and be sure to set the following information
Status - Set the post's publication status
Categories - Add categories to set where your ad displays.
Thumbnail Image - Add a thumbnail image using your ad graphic
Source URL - Enter the full URL to link to in the Source URL field, including http:// or https://.
Link Post Title to Source URL - set to toggle on.
To create a Classified, open the Classifieds collection and click the + icon and be sure to set the following information
Status - Set the post's publication status and publication date
Categories - Add categories to organize your listing by type
Thumbnail Image - Add a thumbnail image
Excerpt - Add an excerpt to give readers a sense of the full listing
SEO Title - Add an SEO title to help search engines
SEO Description - Add an SEO description to help search engines
Social Image
Add an Alternate Social Sharing Image to display when the post is shared on social media (Optional)
Edit Your Page
Enter content in you page to describe your listing using the Block Editor
Events are used to display, well, events
To add a new event open the Event’s collection duplicate the “Template - Event” item
Date and Time- Set the event’s start and end date
Status - Set the post's publication status
Categories - Add categories to organize your event by type
Thumbnail Image - Add a thumbnail image
Excerpt - Add an excerpt to give readers a sense of the full post
SEO Title - Add an SEO title to help search engines
SEO Description - Add an SEO description to help search engines
Social Image
Add an Alternate Social Sharing Image to display when the post is shared on social media (Optional)
In the Address fields, add a location to correspond to the events location (Optional)
Edit Your Page
Enter content in you page to describe your event using the Block Editor
To create a Classified, open the Classifieds collection and click the + icon and be sure to set the following information
Status - Set the post's publication status and publication date
Thumbnail Image - Add a thumbnail image
Excerpt - Add an excerpt to give readers a sense of the full listing
SEO Title - Add an SEO title to help search engines
SEO Description - Add an SEO description to help search engines
Social Image
Add an Alternate Social Sharing Image to display when the post is shared on social media (Optional)
Edit Your Page
Enter content in you page to describe your listing using the Block Editor. Use the Gallery Blocks to add you photo gallery