Understanding Muscle Atrophy & Tips to Reintroduce Physical Activity


Understanding Muscle Atrophy & Tips to Reintroduce Physical Activity Following an Injury or Illness

Anyone who has experienced a period of prolonged illness or injury will understand the impact such a condition has on the body. While doctors and therapists may tell you to exercise in a modified capacity, in reality, the energy and ability to do so may not be available at all times in the recovery process. When an extended period of inactivity takes place, the body gradually allows muscles to shut down. This is true for everyone, not only people recovering from illness or injury.

For example, people with jobs that involve a lot of sitting will eventually experience a loss of muscle tone overall and in particular to their gluteus muscles. When muscles aren’t used, the body reduces the metabolic processes necessary for maintaining muscle and allows muscle to decrease. Injuries and illness also lead to the same type of muscle loss and can eventually become muscle atrophy.  This, I know firsthand after injuring my knee and wrist this summer.

Muscle atrophy occurs in two basic ways: (1) Disuse atrophy, in which muscles waste away due to lack of movement and exercise, or (2) Neurogenic atrophy, in which the muscles waste away due to disease or injury.  

Disuse atrophy, the more common form, can occur in as little as 72 hours with smaller muscle groups. Large muscles, including leg muscles, take longer. When recovering from an illness or injury, it's likely that some form of disuse atrophy has occurred. Consider someone who has recently had a cast removed; the opposite limb is considerably more toned and muscular. Despite their best efforts, people who are healing rarely have the physical ability to participate in regular exercise.

It's extremely important that you listen to your body as you navigate your way through recovery. It will signal when it’s ready to attempt certain things and when you’ve done too much. Also, follow the guidance of your doctor or physical therapist, as each different type of illness, injury and the extent to which physical changes occurred will affect your return to physical activity.

Consider the following things when reintroducing physical activity into your daily life:       

  1. Take it slow. Allow your body and brain the time they need to begin communicating again. When your muscles are called to action, even in a relatively simple task, your brain and the muscles and nerves necessary to carry out that task must communicate. These channels of communication weaken over time and with disuse. Unless nerve damage has occurred, the communication signals can definitely be strengthened, but this process takes time; be patient. Your brain and body will relearn, given time and opportunity.

  2. Begin with walking. It’s the most natural type of movement for the human body. Swimming would also be a gentle form of movement on the body. Start with a few minutes, listen to your body’s response and gradually increase your time.

  3. Reduce your efforts by at least 20% of what you think you can do and work your way up. Movement brings humans immense joy. It’s not until you’ve lost or had a reduction in your ability to move as you once did that you realize how joyful movement is. This realization makes people very eager to return to physical activity.

  4. Remember that pain is pain. While some fitness enthusiasts live by the motto No pain, no gain, when it comes to illness or injury nothing could be further from the truth. Pain is the body’s signal that you’ve gone too far, done too much. Rest and recovery are as important to reintroducing exercise and the physical activity itself. Give your body time and listen to it. It speaks volumes about what it needs.

  5. Pay attention to nutrition and hydration. Feed your body the best, most anti-inflammatory foods you can, including plenty of leafy vegetables and sufficient water.

Prolonged illness or injury can have a devastating affect on the body. Fortunately, the body’s default setting is health and wellbeing. The body will recover in time, given the right conditions. With a feeling of gratitude for all that your body has done for you and allows you to do, nurture yourself back to health by including nutrition, positive, loving thoughts, the management of stress and the joy of movement.

Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit her Facebook page or www.coreperformancefitness.com. Kim can be reached at 716-698-1198.

Kim Duke, Certified Personal Trainer

Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit www.coreperformancefitness.com or visit her Facebook page. You can also email Kim at kduke65@gmail.com.


Rachael C. Territo, Nurse Practitioner, Opens Office in Ellicottville


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