Happy Birthday Taurus People

Happy Birthday Taurus People

Working with the Energies of the Month

We are in between eclipses right now - the solar was April 20 and the Lunar (a full moon on steroids) is May 5 in intense Scorpio… and it will be emotionally intense. The time between eclipses is when we can hear a pin drop spiritually; it’s amazing for prayers and meditation, to get some real (and deep) answers. Note: Don’t put your crystals out for charging under an eclipsed moon.

We are still in Mercury retrograde through May 14 which means don’t jump out and buy a new car, new computer or out of the blue begin a new venture. If it is something you have been planning and putting energy towards before April 21 then go ahead and continue or complete. But if it is an impulsive whim, definitely hold off.

That Mercury retrograde is in the constellation of Taurus, so those ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra) can feel the effects as well as the fixed signs Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and of course Taurus. This speaks to our possessions including finances, so our cash flow might be getting a little topsy-turvy during these 3 weeks. There might be the withdrawal of a bid on your house or car for example. There may be more details to sift through before getting the job offer you were hoping for.  Just be sure to read all the fine print before you sign anything.

If you have been thinking of wanting to do something and the opportunity arises, that is a response from the universe in your favor and you should review and consider it. These are never coincidences but synchronicities that are to help you get into alignment with what you want. Signposts of epiphanies and repeating numbers and thinking about something then it shows up, should never be ignored.

The new moon in Taurus is on the 19.. That will be great for business strategies, financial planning, overall getting in better tune with your body, your bank account, your budgeting and your self-belief. How well or not do you value yourself and honor your values? Are you living in integrity, or do you have healthy boundaries? It has to do with our own self-perception. It’s a great time to start realizing that you are amazing, incredible and are worthy to have everything you could ever imagine. You deserve to be happy!

Why astrology is wonderful is because it provides the weather, so you know how best to prepare. You can work with what is going on. It can help you get to the best possible outcome; it’s a tool. When we learn how to correctly use tools, we can become more and more skilled at life and fulfillment.

It may feel like things are on hold this month or time is moving slower, and there might also be some emotional turmoil especially on the home front and/or with family members, or those who are specifically the sign of Cancer. My advice is to keep your nose to the grindstone and keep plugging away at your own missions and goals, because anything you say right now can be taken the completely wrong way and hurled back at you. The whole month carries emotional pressure.

A great way to work with the energies of the month is to do things ruled by Taurus - plant! Plant seeds, repot your houseplants, take your shoes off and walk outside, till your soil outdoors, prepare for things. Clean up around the home, get out and clean your lawn furniture. Taurus rules currency, too, so save your money for a rainy day. Don’t splurge.

More seasonal suggestions: purging and spring cleaning, stretching before you get out of bed, change up your morning routine, greet the day with gratitude, add Epsom salts to a nice soak. Taurus is a foodie, so try some interesting new foods! Eat slowly and really enjoy the flavors, pay attention to the smells of the season, rain, new growth, the blooming flowers. Drink in your world with your regular 5 senses, also ruled by Taurus.

Go rock hounding, fossil hunting, hug a tree, play in the dirt. Get yourself a nice bouquet of flowers! And take care of your earth element – the body. Put healthy things in your body, stay hydrated. Dress up, do things that make your body feel good, decorate it by getting a new outfit. And, make sure to stretch really well before exercising.

PS: With Saturn (business) in Pisces (dreams) for the next 2+ years, I am leading a fabulous seminar about establishing a business, growing a business, and living your success. It's called "Dreams to Reality" and ellicottvilleNOW readers get a discount using promo code EVLNOW at checkout!

Have a great month and happy Mother’s Day! I do have a Mother’s Day special on my website… check it out. See you next month!

Sincerely, your Sister from the Stars,

-Suzy Woo


Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at suzy-woo.com or call 716-699-2871.


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