Welcome to Aquarius Season
Welcome to Aquarius Season
Suzy’s Star Readings for February Promise a Tumultuous Month
The energy of February will be anything but smooth. Think of watching a lightning storm. Scary, breathtaking, beautiful and unpredictable. Welcome to Aquarius season. This one is a biggy.
The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, God of the Skies, aviation, outer space and even extra-terrestrial life. Uranus has spent months in retrograde motion and is finally getting ready to forge ahead, right on the heels of Pluto entering Aquarius. Expect the lightning to expose what’s going on in the dark. Aquarius is the bold sign that stands up to authority and asks serious questions, in the name of ‘the people.’ Big, swift shifts happen this month so my best advice is to be flexible, and expect plenty of shock value.
Great news: all the planets are moving in forward motion all the way until early April. Move forward with your plans! Book your trips, launch your business, write your book, ask for that raise, plan your move. Live in alignment with your values, it is becoming mandatory in the evolution of our world! Know thyself!
The end of the month won’t feel anything like the beginning, but don’t freak out, it doesn’t mean it has to be bad! We must change to grow. Without growth, we can become complacent and miss out on wonderful opportunities the universe wants to offer us!
Here’s what the first half of February shows broken down by signs:
AQUARIUS AND LEO: It is important this month to work on balance between the mind (Aquarius) and the heart (Leo). Address what needs addressing but take the bite out in your delivery. Put yourself in the other parties’ shoes before you say something very cold. Be diplomatic and direct, but not mean. Forge ahead with your plans and big goals; don’t allow for any drag on your line. Be clear but be kind.
SCORPIO AND TAURUS: You have wonderful financial and career opportunity this month – ask for that raise, put the pressure on, see what your boss really thinks you’re worth to them. If it matches your perception, great! But if not, it’s up to you to speak up. Make a move this month to increase your bottom line. Consult with like minded individuals, peers, friends and colleagues for additional insight and be open to receive it. You have great earning power potential this year… ya gotta GO FOR IT.
ARIES AND SAGITTARIUS: Bust a move by speaking up this month. You’ve been holding steady but are getting impatient. Ask directly but use friendly humor. State your points confidently, and be open enough to receive constructive criticism without firing back (which often lands you in hot water… think before you speak). You will be worked up and motivated for action this month, which is good, but to be successful, know what you want the outcome to be before you spout off, or before you head to the bargaining table. It’s important to temper yourself to be taken seriously.
CANCER AND PISCES: You may feel agitated and unable to decipher what is before you. This is where you have to lean into your faith. When an airplane takes flight and has to go through the cloud cover, you hold your breath and pray because you can’t see anything, and then feel relieved once you’re above the layers of clouds. The first half of the month is still feeling confusing, and closer to mid-month you may have a war of words with someone as tensions run high. You probably feel it coming. Try to stay in your heart while having your guard up to not take things to heart. People need to have healthy conversations with you but don’t intend to hurt you. Be heard, say what you have to say, and when you are listening, don’t take things personally and you will get through it. Go slow and allow yourself to know the sun is still there.
GEMINI AND LIBRA: This is not a time for running solo; it’s about those collaborations! What are your goals? Attend a class, trade show or conference, or two or five of them! Update your business cards, modernize your brand if applicable. Brush up on your skills. Get networking, meeting people, drumming up new business and enjoy plenty of commerce! Who can you collaborate with? Reach out! This is a fabulous time for planting seeds everywhere your mind takes you - send emails, texts, and messages to everyone you would love to be connected to. Let yourself be inspired, take notes, make art, do things that are fun, funny and entertaining. Try some new technology, an AI app, for example? Get the outline done for your book or do your research about publishing. Gather data and make lots of connections and all year as they trickle back to you, you’ll be so glad you did! Your networking now will clearly pay off.
VIRGO AND CAPRICORN: Something is coming to a head and you might be at the end of the road; time to make some possibly tough decisions and move on. What and who will move forward with you? If you got overlooked again for that raise, don’t keep sticking around. This month is a perfect time to get out of anything that is making your feel confined, undervalued and unappreciated. Get your hands dirty doing something you enjoy - rock hounding, spring cleaning, getting a new plant for the house. If you have an unfinished room, get it finished. You’ll be in demand soon, so tie up loose ends and get ready for great things. You have to put the energy in now to get the payout later, so absolutely do not settle!
All month, I am running a February astrology special - COMPATIBILITY READINGS - between any two people, this is fascinating! See how well any 2 people get along, or not! Where might there be friction, where are there strengths and support, where is there 'chemistry?' Find out. EXCELLENT FOR COWORKERS, SIBLINGS and between family members, and COUPLES! Regular price is $189… I'm running a February special for $150! When booking in person, enter code Compatible at checkout. If booking online, use the code CompatibleOnline at checkout.
Be well everyone! With love, I remain your sister from the stars,
-Suzy Woo
Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at suzy-woo.com or call 716-699-2871.