Historical Society Seeks More Space
Historical Society Seeks More Space
The Town Board Meeting Also Included Updating the Impact Study on Crosby’s Gas Station Project and More…
Discussions took place at the Ellicottville Town Board Meeting, held January 17th at 6:00pm between Board members and special guest attendees. Once gathered, Town Supervisor Matt McAndrew called the meeting to order and welcomed conversations to begin surrounding the agenda of the Town of Ellicottville.
The first topic from Privilege of the Floor, came from Dawn Westfall of the Ellicottville Historical Society. It seems the Historical Society is facing some challenges with the amount of space that is available. She requested that the Board assist in finding appropriate options to add office and storage space for the needs of the organization. They are looking into fundraising opportunities, but as they gather the necessary requirements, residents can always look to the official website of the Town of Ellicottville and direct themselves to the donation form listed under the Historical Society section at www.ellicottvillegov.com.
An update was made on the progress of establishing local law to apply to short-term rentals. A drafted local law was presented to the Short-term Rental Committee on January 3rd and it was agreed that the draft covered the intentions of the Town and hopes to successfully carry out their goals in this newly charted territory. The draft will now move on to the Planning Board to be reviewed.
With the mention of the Planning Board, there was a recommendation made to fill two open positions within their Board. The positions to be filled included Planning Board Chair and Vice Chair. The Town Board approved the motion for the recommendations and the positions are now filled.
The Planning department then carried on with their report with an update to the traffic impact study of the Crosby Gas Station Project. It was noted that the project will be updated to include possible future plans proposed by Steelbound Brewery, potentially expanding sidewalks, and the impact of the EVGV Trail as they continue with their mission to build.
The EVGV Trail Committee was mentioned to the Board as a follow-up to some Old Business. The Committee is currently planning a 5K run fundraiser at HoliMont and they hope to pick up some corporate sponsorships. The planning will continue and be brought back to the Town Board for review once completed. For those interested in the EVGV Trail, feel free to check out their official website and keep up-to-date with future planning and events at www.evgvtrail.org.
Also moving forward from the Old Business would be the Town Hall Front Door Project. The Engineering Department has been given contracted documents that they have reviewed and are in the process of revising. Once the contracts are finalized, the project will be one step closer to completion for a beautiful addition to the historic building.
All reports, including Planning, Engineering, Police, and Highway were accepted without issue from the Board, along with the Supervisor’s report, Audit of Claims, and the previous Board Minutes.
Once discussions ran to an end, Town Supervisor Matt McAndrew called the meeting to be adjourned and the Board was dismissed for the evening. The next Town Board meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of February 2024. To continue to keep up with the scheduling and details of the Town, you can visit the official website at www.ellicottvillegov.com.