Get Ready for a Howlin’ Good Time
Get Ready for a Howlin’ Good Time
E.A.R.S. Hosts Halloween Themed Fundraiser to Support their Mission of Local Animal Rescue
We all want the best for our pets, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out. For many reasons people are forced to surrender their pets and, alas, there are those who just want to get rid of them. Others are strays and many are in kill shelters waiting to be euthanized. Years ago, a group of schoolteachers in Salamanca saw the need and responded, forming Friends of Strays. In 2011, it became E.A.R.S. (Empire Animal Rescue Society), a totally volunteer organization with the core group still being mainly teachers or retired teachers from the Salamanca School system.
If you attended Ellicottville’s Fall Festival this past weekend, you would have seen their booth where they successfully adopted out at least 6 animals with a few more in the ready rack as soon as the animals receive veterinary clearance this week. E.A.R.S. rescues dogs, cats, and even rabbits and guinea pigs. They could easily have 20 to 50 dogs waiting for adoption, along with 30 to the 60 cats at any given moment. Go their website at for all the information you need about them and about adopting, including the application to begin the process. When you are accepted you will receive an animal that is fully vetted, spayed/neutered, inoculated, and healthy to the best of their ability. FYI, their vet bills run on average $2,000 a week, so the cost to adopt an animal should be considered very reasonable.
Brooke Skiba, one of E.A.R.S.’ many dedicated volunteers loves Halloween and has toyed with the idea of having a Halloween fundraiser event for years. Having been given the green light, she is heading up a Halloween event for the first time this year, with hopes that it will continue for years to come. The money to continue E.A.R.S.’ fine work comes from events like this one, along with grants, and contributions from friends of E.A.R.S. and their website.
The volunteers are still looking for contributions of prizes for the basket raffle, door prizes, and a volunteer DJ for the evening. If you are interested in DJ’ing the event, please contact Brooke Skiba at 716-810-1298.
The event is Saturday, October 28th, 6:00-10:00pm, at Holy Cross Athletic Club, 35 Clinton in Salamanca. You must be 21 to attend. Cost of admission is $10. You will receive a door prize ticket at that time. There will be a 50/50 drawing, door prizes, Chinese auction, music, snacks, desserts, cash bar, and a costume judging for scariest, most original, best overall, funniest, and also a prize for the best group.
Skiba points out that this organization is run strictly by volunteers. It is a 501c3 non-profit with over 120 volunteers stretching to Buffalo and northern Pennsylvania. Historically, they have been able to count on the entire community to help, but the flip side of that is that the community can depend on them. They are there to help people and their pets in distressful situations – financial, abusive, or changed family situations, temporary or permanent, even providing animal food in a pinch. E.A.R.S. is always looking for donations of blankets, towels, puppy pads, food, toys, or anything animal related that they can use as they shelter these foundlings. E.A.R.S. representatives can always be reached by calling 716-377-5861 or 716-378-3576.
Some interesting pet facts: In 2019, took a SpotOn survey to find out where dogs fit in the family hierarchy. It turns out almost all dog owners (98%) consider dogs family members. Another survey by noted that “79% of pet-owning homebuyers who closed on property in 2018 said they would pass up an otherwise perfect home if it didn’t meet the needs of their pets.” Real Estate agents - take note.
Likewise, cats play an important role in our lives. Of the cat owners who participated in a 2011 survey by UK’s Cat’s Protection charity, it was revealed that people who spend time with cats or kittens report feeling calmer and less upset.
Do you have room in your heart for a new family member? Check out to meet “the family” and be sure to attend their Halloween party for some fun. Aaawoooo!