Cattaraugus Gives 2023
Cattaraugus Gives 2023
Make a Difference in the Community by Supporting Area Non-Profits
Photos / Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation
One hundred years ago, a group of good people in Cleveland, Ohio established an organization to manage personal endowed funds established by families, groups, or organizations for charitable foundations. Today, these groups exist all over the United States. In 1994, a group of individuals, through the Olean Chamber of Commerce, came together to provide an opportunity to get support for the Allegany River Valley Trail Fund. “First named the Greater Olean Community Foundation, CRCF is founded with the purpose of enriching life in the Olean area by providing a vehicle and service for donors to pursue varied philanthropic interest and to serve as a resource for charitable activities.”
In 2000, the name was changed to Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation (CRCF) to reflect broader geographic range of services outside of the immediate Olean area. By 2004 - their 10-year anniversary - they marked assets of more than $7 million and more than 30 funds. Grant awards topped $350,000 while scholarship awards totaled more than $7,000. By their 15th anniversary in 2009, the foundation managed more than 50 funds and $8.9 million in assets, awarding $450,000 in grants. Two years later in 2011, CRCF hosted their very first annual Nonprofit Networking Day to help local nonprofit organizations generate ideas to build capacity and learn from one another. In 2017, The Foundation held its first ever Cattaraugus Gives during the state-wide NYGIVESDAY program, raising over $28,000 for 40 participating nonprofits in Cattaraugus County, also sponsoring $5,000 in incentive prizes. In 2022, Cattaraugus Gives eclipsed the milestone of raising over $1 million for area nonprofits since 2019. Eighty-eight participating nonprofits together raised over $275,000 last year. Aside from the 2022 data, this information was sourced from their 25th anniversary commemorative booklet.
This introduction brings us to Cattaraugus Gives 2023 held this year on Giving Tuesday, November 28th from midnight to 11:59pm, completely on social media. Even though one can do amazing things on social media - carefully read my lips… well, my words: You cannot pre-schedule your Cattaraugus Gives 2023 gift. Here’s the hitch: For your donation to be counted towards prize incentives awarded on Cattaraugus Gives 2023, it must be made online between midnight and 11:59 pm on Nov. 28th. Yes, prizes!!!! Now, if you are not interested in prizes, you may donate on your own to a participating nonprofit before or after the Cattaraugus Gives 2023 event. But let me tell you about the prizes and why it’s important for you jump in on the day of the event. The Foundation and community sponsors will offer some $20,000+ in incentives (to be determined) to participating nonprofits.
These prizes throughout the day are based on fundraising success. $500 prizes are earmarked for the organization receiving gifts from the most donors during a certain time period. To level the playing field and encourage all players big and small, the $250 prizes are random drawings of organizations receiving any donation during that time period. This year, they will also be raffling off gift cards to donors who give $100 or more during certain time periods: five $100 Villaggio Restaurant gift cards and a $100 Pleasant Valley gift card at the time of this writing. Hopefully there will be more. If you are a business which would like to donate gift cards or certificates for this wonderful cause, please contact the foundation’s Director, Kirk Windus, at 716-301-2723.
So, who can participate? Organizations that are verified 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofits that are headquartered or provide services in the Cattaraugus Region, NY. Here is a sampling A to Z of some of the organizations that may be dear to your heart, to whom you wish to donate: The Ellicottville Playground, Ellicottville-Great Valley Recreational Trail, Cornell Cooperative Extension, E.A.R.S., Frank Pitillo Memorial Fund, Genesis House, Hospice, Nannen Arboretum, Meals on Wheels, Pay-It-Forward Salamanca, SPCA, Bob McCarthy Foundation, food pantries, libraries, health systems, education, churches, Rotaries, missions, arts… the list is long. Go to and find the one you most wish to support and then plan to be in front of your computer on November 28th!
Why would you do this? It’s a fun competition, for one thing. It’s like “Beat the Clock.” Who can get the most donations in this crucial 24-hour period? When you join the Cattaraugus Gives movement you help cultivate a more giving, caring and compassionate community, all while raising money for your organization's own mission. Together we truly can make an even bigger impact in 2023!
So, to wrap up: the 24-hour fundraising event for local 501(c)(3)s is on GivingTuesday, November 28th from midnight until 11:59pm. In 2022, the average raised per organization (2,062 donations made) was $3,672.63. Imagine how wonderful it would be if your favorite organization reached that goal!
Remember, anyone may donate, and all donations are tax-deductible. To learn more, go to or email CRCF Director Kirk Windus at