What Can Your Sign Expect for the First Half of 2024?
What Can Your Sign Expect for the First Half of 2024?
Suzy’s Star Readings: Happy New Year! Let’s Get a Glimpse of the Year Ahead
This is a special article to help you get a finger on the pulse of the first half of the new year!2024-2025 will bring so much upheaval and change, you won’t recognize your “old” life. Look at how our world has changed drastically and dramatically since 2020.
Next round - everything involving the sky, outer space including extra-terrestrials, social media, technology and communication is going to take off at warp speed! Read on for how it will impact you!
AIR SIGNS - GEMINI, LIBRA & AQUARIUS: A big boost of needed support from the universe for the air signs as we begin springtime - you finally feel less bogged down and more springy, chatty and social. It’s an excellent opportunity for learning, taking classes, mental exploration and experiencing quantum leaps in conceptual understanding. Be mindful not to get preachy; there will never be a time that you know all there is to know. Keep learning and stay open. Don’t become complacent. Speak up. Plan on journaling more than usual, take lots of notes because things will be speeding up and information will be dumped in massive quantities and from every direction. You don’t have to study every single thing; only follow the things that are of meaning for you to help prevent needless clutter in your head. This is important as air signs are huge thinkers and communicators! Air signs must speak, write, express. Get lean and strong in your conquests. Don’t bite your lip or look the other way another day - have the conversations that you need to have. Break out of codependency. Speak your truth. Everyone will not be growing with you; you will outgrow some relationships and circumstances.
WATER SIGNS - CANCER, PISCES & SCORPIO: It will be a little challenging as you can feel heavy, burdened, or snagged on mechanic aspects of your plans, including plans to build, be it a physical home, business or a business plan. It may seem that your plans to move forward are in extreme slow motion. In the springtime, everything around you speeds up like crazy and it can feel overwhelming. The way to move through 2024 will be by reflecting inwardly and asking the deeper questions such as, “Why am I mad?” or “Am I waiting for someone or something else to complete me?”, or you can really be stunted in your sense of direction. Ask yourself what makes you happy. It has to be centered on your heart energy - what is something you can work towards to feel a sense of purpose or fulfillment? Then start doing smaller things that move you towards those types of goals. In the meantime, the whirlwind of chaos and static around you will begin to sort itself out and you won’t feel that you’ve wasted time waiting as some of the pieces fall into place. Reach for self-mastery via spiritual, charitable, prayer, support, occult work, dreamwork, shamanism - take excellent care of your health and work on safer boundaries, allow yourself more time to recharge.
FIRE SIGNS - ARIES, LEO & SAGITTARIUS: For the fire signs, you will be exactly that - on fire! Be sure to stay grounded; this will be very important because sensitive topics will be percolating and you can jump on your soap box and be a bit much for others. Fire signs often are, but we need that motivation, that leadership, so please burn your energy safely. Choose what to get excited about. Be careful not to be a match near a fireworks store. Hold your own candle and allow yourself to light the way for others, to feel safe, to feel heard, to blaze a path for others to follow. Streamline and integrate powerful words to go with your actions, mean what you say and say what you mean. Work to maintain balance. Allow rest when you need it; you are not infallible. Forge forward with redefining your IDENTITY. It is important to focus on what matters to you and practice living in alignment with that more and more.
EARTH SIGNS - TAURUS, VIRGO & CAPRICORN: Be careful not to be too demanding of yourself; you can only move so fast. You can expect continued anxiety until late April which is when it will finally start to subside. Earth signs are slow moving, cool, steady and practical, but you have been having plenty of internal earthquakes to your body, mind, and nervous system. It is important to stay hydrated for earth signs. Keep your body strong, keep your mind open to hear and learn. Everything will be speeding up around you and it won’t feel comfortable because earth likes slow and steady. People will be buzzing about everything. Best advice is stay in your lane, help keep the peace by keeping organized and helping others to know their expectations.
Work on being more flexible in your body - yoga, stretching, etc. Muscle-test your supplements and vitamins - your body is going through changes, and you may have outgrown particular health practices. Check for expired foods, vitamins, and things in your lifestyle, including relationships. If you don’t adapt, you may lose some friends. Be sure to reflect on the lessons you experience from everyone around you; they are showing you something about yourself, whether helpful, hurtful or indifferent. Don’t tolerate behaviors that are abusive, manipulative or toxic. If someone is always throwing digs at you, speak up about how it makes you feel and get to the bottom of it. Don’t expect everyone to know how you process their behaviors; what you tolerate will grow. It is up to you to say it out loud or in writing. Try to get everything out that needs venting before mid to late April, or you’re going to hit a boiling point and you may really lash out.
I have opened the doors to my full year ahead report! There is a $22 special or if you want my personal review added to it, it is also on special for just $50, deliverable within 3 days via email available on my website. You can also get your birth chart for free on my website at suzy-woo.com/chart-generator. Enter your date, time and city of birth and voila!
How did I do? I would love to hear from you at hello@suzy-woo.com. With great love and gratitude, my monthly astrology for January will be posted next week!
Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at suzy-woo.com or call 716-699-2871.