Basic Workout Principles for Success
Basic Workout Principles for Success
A List of Basic Exercise Habits to Help Keep You Fit
I have been a certified personal trainer since 2006. Over the past 17 years I have had a lot of time to grow, learn and develop sure-fire ways to burn body fat and build muscle. I have also had the pleasure of training some remarkable individuals ranging in age from 9-years-old to 92-years-old. Each individual requires their own plan and exercises to achieve their goals, but this rule of thumb stays the same for all of my clients: Stick to sound basic principles.
Here are some of the basics I have used over the years that have worked for me and me clients:
USE FREE WEIGHTS: Although machines can be useful tools to help individuals to start a strength training program, most experts agree that you can achieve more if you spend most of your time using free weights. Free weights will help the participant discover weaknesses and strengths that can go undiscovered with machines. When using free weights, your body has no assistance from mechanical devices. Your muscles not only have to lift the weight, they have to ensure that you stay balanced and stable. This requires considerable effort and muscle coordination. When your routines are based around barbell and dumbbell exercises, you can expect to see muscle growth happen more quickly.
FOCUS ON COMPOUND EXERCISES: If you want to build as much muscle as possible, it makes sense to emphasize exercises that work more than one muscle group. While isolation exercises have their place, of course, remember that if you are working one muscle group, then that is the only muscle group that will grow (i.e. bicep curl).
Compound exercises will multiply the effectiveness and results of your muscles. The following exercise will get you maximum return of the effort invested: Instead of just a squat, add a dumbbell push press or a kettlebell front lateral swing. Follow this up with a hamstring exercise like a deadlift with an upright row. Add exercises that will always compliment each other and use a push/pull movement to build it bigger.
EMPHASIZE THE ECCENTRIC PHASE: The eccentric phase of an exercise is the second part where you are lowering the weights, and the muscle in question is lengthening. This is where I tell my clients that “their range of motion” will make all the difference in their results. Also, slow down during this phase; do not let gravity do all the work. And remember, control is key to doubling the effectiveness of any phase. If you are working the muscles in both halves of the exercise, you will find that makes a real difference.
GET YOUR FORM RIGHT! A pet peeve here at CORE PERFORMANCE. If you allow yourself to exercise with poor form, you will get little or no benefit from your workout. You may even risk an injury. This is the main reason every trainer/instructor is fully certified and mentored before working with clients and teaching classes.
HAVE REALISTIC GOALS: If you employ all of the above strategies, you can achieve amazing results for sure. But, you need to be realistic. You cannot expect to work out hard for a week and see drastic results. It will take time and consistency. But, if you keep showing up and doing what needs to be done, you will get results.
Simple mathematics and biology tell us that if we keep pushing our muscles, they will continue to grow and stay strong. Now it is time to get your head into the equation and make your own magic. And, if you require extra accountability, sign up for a class or book some personal training sessions at Core Performance or a fitness center of your choice.
Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training, located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit her Facebook page, go to or call her directly at 716-698-1198.