Youth Soccer Returns


Youth Soccer Returns

Sign-ups at the Ellicottville Memorial Library

It’s time to dig out the shin guards and lace up those soccer cleats for the 2021 summer season.  Lindsey Coburn, Ellicottville Youth Soccer President tells ellicottvilleNOW what the pandemic year has been like and the excitement going into this season.

“Last year we decided not to do it. We would have had to limit our number of spectators, we would have had to do temperature checks and have parents sign authorization forms, so it was a good decision for us not to do it,” she said. “We really missed it and now that our kids have been back in school and we’ve seen the process, we’re excited to be able to return to play." 

There are still COVID-19 rules to follow, but the process is much easier now that New York State has relaxed some of the restrictions. Here are the Ellicottville Youth Soccer guidelines that players and coaches should know going into the summer program:

Responsible parties must ensure a distance of at least 6 feet is maintained among individuals at all times, whether indoor or outdoor, unless safety or the core activity (practicing, playing) require shorter distance. If a shorter distance is required, individuals must wear acceptable face coverings, unless players are unable to tolerate a face covering for the physical activity (practicing or playing); provided, however, that coaches, trainers, and other individuals who are not directly engaged in physical activity are required to wear a face covering.

Coburn also pointed out that there is a great sense of pride knowing that the league is run by volunteers who work hard to make the league and season run smoothly. 

“There are a lot of details that go into making a season happen,” she said. “The reward is seeing the joy it brings to children and parents alike.  Especially the little kids. And although a lot of people have gotten vaccinated, we still need to be cautious.”

Coburn anticipates a lot more participation in this summer’s program, following a year of not having a season at all.

If you’d like to register your son or daughter, sign-ups are being held at the Ellicottville Memorial Library this Saturday, May 15th from 10:00am-12:30pm and the following Thursday, May 20th from 5:30-8:00pm. For additional info including cost, etc., head to the Ellicottville Youth Soccer page on Facebook or call Lindsey Coburn at 716-485-3105.


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