Living In Alignment With Your True Nature

Living In Alignment With Your True Nature

Hello and Happy Summer!  This is Suzy Woo, your friendly astrologer. Astrology is one area of focus in my practice. Beyond that, and the ‘why’ I do what I do, is that I am a survivor (22 years) of domestic violence. I am a certified and accredited holistic healing practitioner, spiritual healer, sound healer and psychotherapist.  This month, I wanted to do something a little different for my beautiful readers.

How can you steer your own ship in the direction of your dreams when others are facing a tsunami?

I think all people with awareness on the planet are noticing that things are clearly shifting. Many are starting to question their existence, their purpose, and wonder how they are supposed to be happy when there is so much turmoil, chaos and suffering happening in the world.

Mental health has come to the forefront of concern, as these times are pulling back the curtain of perception … and personal truths become distorted. The safe, comfortable life as we thought we knew it, now seems more brittle and confusing than ever before, and that leaves us feeling more disconnected, more nebulous.

From a higher, spiritual awareness, the reason for this (because the universe is actually very orderly and even chaos has sacred geometry) is that it’s a beckoning to go on a deep inwards journey to learn and understand WHO WE REALLY ARE, to reconnect at SOUL level … what exactly is it that we stand for? What is true for us?

Because we were raised to take on the beliefs, habits, lifestyles and values of our caregivers, teachers and spiritual leaders, we subconsciously have a loyalty bond to them. If these influential people still have a stronghold on our lives, we may lower our heads out of respect, and out of fear.  

Scenario: Jack grew up with old school, demanding parents. His parents were 19 when they had Jack. Jack’s father has a union job on an assembly line at a factory, and was a drinker. Jack’s mother was a stay-at-home mom who romanticized getting lost in soap operas. His mother was secretly resentful for having a child and getting married at such a young age while her friends were all going out to parties, trips, and camping. She didn’t have any friends who had children and she felt trapped, stuck at home. She didn’t give Jack undivided attention except when he interrupted her favorite show.

Jack’s parents fought all the time because they were still young and were not compatible but their own parents were dead against children born out of wedlock. Jack’s dad was emotionally unavailable, demanded dinner on the table, a clean house, and for no one to interrupt him when he spoke, watched the news, or slept. His father insisted Jack finished every crumb on his dinner plate because he worked his butt off to pay for the food and the roof over Jack’s head.  Jack was made to feel guilty if he needed something, and did not receive nurturing or emotional support. Each parent hits Jack if he spoke out of turn, questioned a directive or in any way felt they weren’t being obeyed. Jack was subconsciously made to feel a burden and insignificant to his parents.

So our fictitious Jack will likely grow up always apologizing merely for existing. We all know someone who is constantly saying “I’m sorry” for every little thing. He feels guilty for needing anything, for asking a question, and quickly takes the blame for things other people do just to prevent rocking the boat. Jack will never question authority because of the fear of pain from being punished. He doesn’t understand what unconditional love is, because his parents’ love was conditional. Obey me and I will not hurt you. Jack was raised to be fear-based rather than love-based.  Jack will likely either attract a narcissistic partner who will want to take advantage of his passivity to feed their damaged ego; or become the extreme opposite and lash out in anger, confusion and pain, and wanting to control someone else and hold them as emotional hostage to help diminish his own feelings of helplessness and powerlessness.

Living in alignment with your true nature is paramount in these times.

How self-aware are you? How evolved are you in developing a healthy relationship with your own energies?

Let’s try a self-assessment.  Give yourself one point for every ‘yes’ and zero for ‘no.’ If your feel is ‘sometimes’ then give yourself one point if it is at least 50% or more of the time, or a zero if less than 50% of the time. Let’s go …

  1. I speak my mind.

  2. If someone asks me to go to an event that I’m not really interested in, I can say ‘no’ without feeling guilty or the need to explain myself.

  3. My work is something I love doing; I feel valued and fulfilled when doing my job.

  4. I feel in touch with who I am; I am living in a way I feel free to express myself.

  5. I have several short-term and longer-term goals.

  6. I can see/imagine/visualize myself successful.

  7. If someone criticizes my idea, I can let it roll off me.

  8. I’m not afraid to break up with someone, or tell someone something that will upset them.

  9. I am okay cutting someone out of my life that keeps disrespecting me.

  10. I take time out for being alone. I value my “me time.”

  11. If someone says a joke that is in poor taste, I will catch myself and not just half-heartedly laugh to appease them.

  12. At the end of a lesson, or lecture, when they ask if there are questions and I have one, I will raise my hand and ask it, even if it seems like a stupid question.

  13. I am okay living what feels right for me; even though my family or friends might object or may not approve of my life choices.

  14. I realize when I’m not happy and will adjust where I’m living, working, or who I’m spending time with accordingly.

  15. If someone gives me a compliment, I can accept it and say “Thank you.”

Add up your points.

1-5 TAKE TIME FOR YOU. If you are feeling bottled up, like you can’t be yourself, then you are not living true to your nature. If you are a people-pleaser, always putting yourself on the back burner, if you say what you think others want to hear, rather than how you truly think and feel, then it is time for you to journey within and really discover the magical and powerful being that you are. This is a life in the storm, unable to see outside of it, where you are a feather in the wind, not in control of your life, unclear on a destination (goals) or unclear how you’ll get there (because you won’t, or can’t, decide where you’re going, or where you want to be).

Your remedy: Get out into the sun more. If possible, wake up earlier. Work on your inner relationship with yourself and start asking yourself what you really love doing, and then re-introduce those things back into your life. Start to liberate yourself by growing your inner confidence. Seek more clarity and definition in your outlook. Set and decide on some smaller and larger objectives and goals. Start spending less time with those who love to boss you around or take advantage of your kind nature.

Work on recognizing errors with healthy boundaries. Practice saying “no” when you mean it, and hold yourself to it.

Spend more time in nature, and start a journal of your feelings, desires and of your dreams. Bring the colors green, yellow, orange and red into your life. Eat these colors of foods, wear these colors (undergarments count), and bring these colors into your living space or office space. Good crystals: garnet, citrine, pyrite, emerald, orange calcite and crazy lace agate.

6-10 HAPPY MEDIUM.  Because life is always in a flow, there is always room for improvement. Look at the statements you answered ‘no’ or ‘less than 50%’ to, and find the commonalities. Where can you use more confidence, where do your true fears sit? Are they in your awareness or are they running silently in the background?  

The remedy: Spend some quiet time on this subject … size it up! Ask, “What makes me afraid? What am I afraid of? Is that realistic, am I under a threat? What is the worst that can happen?” You may be pleasantly surprised to realize you are not that little boy or little girl anymore; you are now an adult and don’t need to feel small anymore. Declare that these fears are no long your reality.  Bring these things to light for yourself so you can do something with and about them.  Forgive and release yourself and others so you can be even more present.

Love yourself and love others, respect the opinions of others but don’t let anyone walk all over your or shove their beliefs down your throat.  

Bring more of the colors light/baby blue, yellow and pink into your world. Eat these colors of food, wear these colors (undergarments count) and bring them into your work/play space. Good crystals: blue lace agate, rhodonite, snowflake obsidian, Mangano calcite, and pyrite.

11-15 STRONGLY INDEPENDENT. If you feel you are being authentic - being yourself, living in alignment with your values and beliefs - then things won’t impact you so harshly. You’ll be able to be more objective rather than subjective.

You are liberated and dance to the beat of your own drum. You don’t let other people drag you down and keep your focus on the here and now, while not losing sight on your goals. You speak up for yourself when needed and realize you are your own being, safely detached from your parents/caregivers.  

The remedy: Keep it real and make sure you don’t use your confidence to either consciously or subconsciously overpower others. Balance is always the key.  Allow yourself to shine, let others see you enjoying life, and be that example!  Great colors for you: purple, forest green, deep rich reds. Good crystals: aquamarine, petalite, malachite, garnet, ruby, amethyst, and prasiolite (green amethyst).

As we go through our life, we are constantly changing and evolving, so you won’t be the same person you were last year. It’s important to check in with yourself, and do it frequently.  How?

Ask yourself: Do I feel good to be me?  Do I feel like I am contributing to my purpose? To society? Am I a good friend? Am I comfortable in my own skin. Do I allow myself to have things I like? Do I feel worthy of love? Do I practice self-care? Are my relationships reciprocal? Am I comfortable when I am alone or do I always need stimuli?

If you need help, guidance, or wish to have a deep level energy healing to move stuck painpoints, that is my profession. I am in the heart of the village at 11 Martha Street.  Please look at alternative methods to keep your life in balance. It starts with getting enough quality sleep and eating the rainbow! This means getting a colorful variety of healthy fresh and natural foods. Get sunshine, move around every day. Take time for yourself to reflect, release and forgive yourself and others. Stop keeping track of who wronged you. Let it all go.

Love yourself, first.

Thank you as always - hang on because we are in for a wild ride these next few months. Really get to know yourself now; it will make things way easier for what’s coming.  Also check out my Lion’s Gate spiritual retreat in August - no experience necessary! You will meet like-minded people who are somewhere on their spiritual journey. It is seriously life-changing, and is being kept a nice small intimate size. Check it out on my website and as always, feel free to ask questions. You might see your question answered in the next issue!  My email is

Enjoy yourself … it really needs to be all about you!

Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at or call 716-699-2871.


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