Pour Taproom Makes Request to Town Board

Pour Taproom Looks to Expedite SLA Application

Town Board Discusses SLA Application, the Addition of a New Police Officer, and More at July Meeting

Ellicottville Town Supervisor Matthew McAndrew welcomed Board members to its monthly Town Board meeting on July 17th. With the current agenda to be addressed, discussions revolved around numerous topics including project amendments and completion, pledge support, and the Special Meeting that took place with the Village.

Getting right into business the Town Board recapped the previous Minutes that were approved for the June 19th Regular Meeting as well as the Special Meeting on July 9th. As reviewed by the Board, the Special Meeting was an important gathering between the Town and the Village of Ellicottville on current law enforcement and the challenges faced by short-term rentals and noise ordinances.

In hopes to tackle this issue as a joint force, the Village and Town have strategized ways to improve the resources presently available while adding to that list. Providing extra training, continuous code enforcement, and the possibility of larger penalties than currently in place, they intend to ease the complaints by residents. Both municipalities will keep to their efforts in providing a quality of life uninterrupted by the over occupancy and noise disturbances caused by short-term rentals.

The Police Department presented their report to the Board in which Officer in Charge, Jim Bouchard, made a request for the hiring of a special police officer, upon completion of their exam in September. This request was approved by the Board and will welcome the new member of the force once all necessary conditions are complete. The expected addition to the department may add a hand in the efforts of the ongoing short-term rental conflicts addressed by residents. The Board commended the Police Department for their ongoing efforts in patrolling and providing safety to both the Town and Village.

On the topic of the law, Distract Attorney Lori Rieman plans to retire by the end of the year. With this news, Attorney Preston Marshall made an appearance to the Board to introduce himself and his candidacy once the position becomes available. Sharing with the Board his qualifications, experience, and a bit about himself, we are sure to learn more in the months to come.

The Town of Ellicottville has yet to receive a serious bid for the Town Hall Front Door and will now push the project to the fall season in hopes of a reputable offer. Credible contractors interested in the project should look to the official government website of the Town at www.ellicottvillegov.com under Town Announcements to the Town Hall Front Door Bid.

In other news within the Town, the up-and-coming Pour Taproom has put in a request to expedite their application to the State Liquor Authority (SLA) so they can move along in their planning to serve liquor on the premises. The Town of Ellicottville agreed to waive the 30-day notification in the licensing process. “We are excited to see the establishment come together as time progresses.”

The Land Trust Alliance made a request to the Town of Ellicottville that asked for the support to permanently preserve the Ellicottville Scenic Forest with a conversation easement. In agreement, the Board and Supervisor McAndrew voiced their support. Supervisor McAndrew has written a letter to advocate for the Alliance’s outreach for funding. The project makes for a positive enhancement to the environment, one which Ellicottville relies on for its hub of outdoor recreation and tourism year-round. “Maintaining the resources of our expansive hillsides, streams, and forest will continue to benefit the rural nature of the Town and local ecosystems alike.” An easy cause to back, support came without question.

As discussions came to an end, the Town Board Meeting was adjourned by Supervisor McAndrew. Following the evening’s talking points, the Town Board will continue to address the happenings of the area in next month’s meeting, taking place on the third Wednesday of the month. Further information can always be found on the Town website at www.ellicottvillegov.com.


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