The CHI Chair

The CHI Chair

Where science and spirituality come together

ELLICOTTVILLE - Working with crystals is not a new-age trend, but an ancient healing practice, traceable to about 60,000 years ago.

Metaphysician and Holistic Psychotherapist, Suzy Woo, studies and works with quantum healing methods, crystal energy, planetary influence, and energy psychology in her healing practice. Ms. Woo is the creator of the Crystal Healing Immersion Experience station dubbed the "CHI chair."

"I did this to show people that the energy of crystals is not only real, but able to be felt quite strongly; and is powerfully healing in ways people would never imagine," Ms. Woo explained. "This is where science and spirituality meet. Got a minute? Sit in it. Just sit, close your eyes and feel."

The CHI Chair attraction is a basic chair, with over 200 pounds of various crystals (including 96 pounds of selenite) in, beneath and surrounding it, with copper feedback loops and orgonite, which then had ancient frequencies and prayer programmed into the entire configuration. Very strong vortices of energy continuously spiral from the crystal compilation. When someone sits in the chair, the flow of crystal energy travels up and down the energy centers (chakras) following the spine, which ultimately has the capability to heal ailments and symptoms on multiple levels, and can prompt powerful spiritual experiences.

White Selenite (satin spar var. gypsum) is a cleansing, calming, purification crystal said to embody high vibration energy that helps bring divine light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to help create personal transformation.

"There are no smoke and mirrors, everything is in plain view, right in the middle of the store," Ms. Woo added.

What can one expect to feel when they sit in the CHI Chair? Because people vary in their sensitivity, it can range from light to very strong: tingling, pins and needles, a magnetic pull/push, warmth, coolness, breeziness, buzzy, or feeling uplifted to the degree that one feels they are floating. One may experience a dissolving of heaviness, pressure, and stress, or may receive new insight to an old problem, receive a vision, an inspiration, a spiritual message, or even a scene from a moment in time which the crystal has witnessed. They may walk away without the pains they walked in with.

"Crystals store information, forming in the earth for millions of years. Imagine what they have seen."

The CHI Chair was announced the evening of December 18, 2022 and opened to the public the following day. One thing that people agree on who have sat in the CHI Chair, is that it feels really, really good. One person said she "felt perfectly tuned."

The Crystal Healing Immersion Experience, or "CHI Chair," is on display for public use, free of charge, through spring 2023 at Good for the Spirit Gifts, a crystals shop Ms. Woo owns, at 11 Martha Street in the village of Ellicottville. Those who wish to learn energy healing can learn with Ms. Woo. She is offering a Certification Course in Spiritual Healing, a pilot launch to teach her method of spiritual energy healing that begins 1/11/23. "It is not the same as Reiki; it is much more powerful and does not wear off."

Ms. Woo plans to establish a healing center in the Allegany Mountains. For more on Suzy Woo please visit

Good for the Spirit Gifts is open Monday through Saturday 11:00am-6:00pm, and Sunday 11:00am-5:00pm. Good for the Spirit Gifts is a spiritual wellness supply store in Ellicottville, New York, stocking gongs, tuning forks, chimes, singing bowls, a huge variety of crystals, crystal carvings, candles, cards and books, and local artisan items.


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