EFT Tapping - A Quick Stress Reliever
EFT Tapping - A Quick Stress Reliever
With the bells chiming and ringing in 2022, aren’t we all looking for easy and quick remedies to relieve some of our stress? A simple technique called EFT tapping could be your answer! EFT tapping is also known as “Emotional Freedom Techniques.” EFT tapping was first discovered in the 1970s and was later further explored and patented by Gary Craig.
EFT tapping is a form of psychological acupressure involving the body’s energy meridian points. Gary Craig states, “EFT tapping involves tapping specific points on the body, primarily on the head and face, in a particular sequence. While doing this, the person focuses on the issue that they wish to treat. The theory in part is blockages or imbalances in the flow of energy leading to ill health. Tapping on these meridian points with the fingertips restores the balance of energy to resolve physical and emotional struggles.”
EFT tapping has been found to help and alleviate discomfort in several common areas. These areas include: anxiety, depression, chronic pain, stress, weight loss issues, headaches, etc.
Let us hear about the specific steps to this process, as quoted in Jayne Leonard’s article, “A guide to EFT tapping,” published in a 2019 Medical News Today online resource. To use EFT, follow these 5 steps:
During this step, think about the problem that you wish to resolve. Only choose 1 issue to focus on at a time.
Rank the intensity of the issue on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the worst the issue has ever been. The ranking system allows you to access the effectiveness of the tapping at the end of the treatment.
Before beginning each round of tapping, you should decide on a simple reminder phrase to repeat while tapping. An example could be: even though I have anxiety often, I deeply and completely accept myself. (words of affirmation or positive self cognitions)
During this step, tap on specific points on the body while repeating the phrase that you have chosen. When tapping, use 2 or more fingertips and repeat the tap approximately 5 times on each point. The tapping points, in sequence, are as follows:
Top of the head - directly in the center of the top of the head.
Beginning of the eyebrow - the beginning of the brow, just above and to the side of the nose.
Side of the eye - on the bone at the outside corner of the eye.
Under the eye - on the bone under the eye, approximately 1 inch below the pupil.
Under the nose - the point between the nose and upper lip.
Chin point - halfway between the underside of the lower lip and the bottom of the chin.
Beginning of the collarbone - the point where the breastbone (sternum), collarbone, and first rib intersect
Under the arm - at the side of the body, approximately 4 inches below the armpit.
Again, rank the intensity of the issue on a scale of 0-10. Ideally, this will have improved. Repeat the process until the intensity reaches 0 or plateaus.
Give it a whirl! This can be a lifeline for so many of our mind and body’s reactions to stress.
Laura Widger is a NY State Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 15 years of experience in the field of emotional wellness and mental health. She currently works for CCA-Connecting Communities in Action and specializes in trauma healing with children and adults. She lives in Cattaraugus County with her husband, children, and German short haired dog. Laura personally and professionally strives to promote internal self leadership and the discovery of true genuineness and balance within.