Core Performance Offering A New Stretching Class
Core Performance Offering A New Stretching Class
Stretching is a kind of generic word we hear all the time from trainers, therapists and even doctors. We are continuously reminded of the many benefits that come along with performing this simple task but typically do not take the time or even have the know-how to complete an effective and efficient stretching routine.
That’s all about to change! Ellicottville’s own Darlene Allen has been teaching deep stretching classes for years. She stopped due to the pandemic but continues to instruct small groups. Anyone who has taken a class from Darlene knows that she understands the human anatomy better than most. She also has a way of connecting the mind and body with cues to guide you as you move from one muscle to the next. By the time you’re done her class, you literally feel taller and are definitely a lot looser. And, with ski season winding down, many of us are experiencing stiffness and tightness in our backs, hips and legs. This tightness can be lessened and even prevented by stretching muscles around the knees and hips like the IT band, the adductors, the quads, and hip flexors.
While the tendency is to focus solely on the lower body, it should be stressed that the upper body should not be overlooked. Your upper body is home to your “tower of power”. By strengthening and stretching your entire torso, you are creating an injury resistant and stabilized core that acts as the fulcrum for all motion. Your shoulder protocol should focus on stretching the shoulder and its many attachments like the triceps, biceps, pectoral muscles, deltoids, and rotator cuffs - moving them through full range of motion.
Classes will begin on Tuesday April 5th at 7:00am and run about 50 minutes. Classes are $10, and packages are available. For more information please contact me at 716-698-1198 or email
Kim Duke is a certified personal trainer and owner of Core Performance Fitness and Training, located at 55 Bristol Lane, Ellicottville, NY. Kim resides in Ellicottville where she raised her two sons, Zach and Nik. For more information about her studio visit her Facebook page or Kim can be reached directly at 716-698-1198.