ERA Campaigns for Toys For Tots
ERA Campaigns for Toys For Tots
In 1947, Major Bill Hendricks and his wife, Diane, were disappointed to find that, after some searching, there was not a single organization in the Los Angeles area donating toys to children in need. Raggedy Ann dolls at the ready, the dedicated couple organized a group of local Marine reservists who, in the span of a few months, managed to collect over 5,000 toys for local children. After that, the Toys for Tots campaign was launched nationwide, the campaign’s distinctive collection boxes popping up in front of local businesses and big chains alike. Marine reservists from all over the country began collecting and refurbishing toys in an effort to make the holidays special for children everywhere.
Over time, local organization began to shoulder more responsibility, allowing Toys for Tots to grow even further. As of 2016, the Toys for Tots Program and Foundation have collected and distributed more than 512 million toys.
This year, ERA Team VP Real Estate & Vacation Rentals are teaming up with Toys for Tots and local charities to celebrate Giving Tuesday on Dec. 1st. Toys for Tots donation boxes can be found in ERA Team VP Offices in Allegany, Arcade, Ellicottville, and Mayville, as well as the Bradford and Warren branches in Pennsylvania. From now until Dec. 1st, donations of new, unwrapped toys can be dropped off at any of these ERA Team VP offices or mailed to 4478 W. Lake Road, Mayville, NY 14757. The ERA team has also created a Wishlist with Amazon Smile. Donors can choose from items listed at the following link:
All Amazon Smile orders will be safely shipped to the Mayville address.
“ERA Team VP has always maintained a central focus on supporting our local communities,” says Hannah Raynor, the group’s marketing director. “Every year on Giving Tuesday, we make it a priority to give back in some way. This year, with the encouragement of our franchise, we have decided to dedicate our Giving Tuesday efforts to the Toys for Tots campaign. This year more than ever, we know that our local communities will be struggling – and it’s our moral obligation as a local business to support those who are less fortunate in our communities. We are hoping with our heavy push on this charity, that others will join us on this Giving Tuesday.”
“Our goal is to assure that every child will be able to experience the joy of Christmas morning,” she continues. “And if we are not able to do it on our own, hopefully we will encourage others to participate.”
“ERA Team VP would like to take a moment to thank all those who have been pushing this campaign in our communities - their staff and agents, partner businesses, and many others,” Hannah finishes. “so that we can come together and support those who are not as fortunate.”
While their targeted end date is this coming Giving Tuesday, Dec. 1st, Toys for Tots is accepting donations through December 11th. If you cannot make it to an ERA Team office by Tuesday, you can always reach out to your local Toys for Tots campaign to be sure that they receive your gift. Find your local campaign at