Village Board Meeting Notes


Board Meeting Notes

Village discusses skatepark design, leaf pick-up, Intermunicipal agreement

The November meeting of the Ellicottville Village Board opened with Good News. Two checks were received from the county: one for sales tax ($120,859.37) and the other from our share of mortgage tax ($7,248.42). 

Next, there were motions for the following: approve the special meeting minutes, financial report and audit of claims. All motions were accepted.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor John Burrell asked the Board to consider putting out a Request for Proposal (RFP) on a design for the proposed Ellicottville Skatepark. The cost for an initial design is estimated at $5,000 and would allow the Village and the Skatepark Committee to use the design for fundraising efforts and community input. There was pushback from some members of the Board urging that they wait to see if the skatepark is granted a fundraising deadline extension. The Ellicottville Skatepark is involved in a matching grant from The Skatepark Project (formerly the Tony Hawk Foundation) and Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation to raise money to build a permanent, concrete skatepark in Ellicottville’s Village Park, and had a November 2020 fundraising deadline. Due to COVID-19, the Mayor and the Ellicottville Skatepark Committee have asked for an extension. The Board tabled the matter until an extension decision from The Skatepark Project is received.

There were motions to approve the following: Planning Report, Code Enforcement Report, DPW Report and Engineer’s Report. The motions on all carried.

DPW Report: The new DPW truck has been picked up. The old truck was sold to Fitzpatrick & Weller and the check should be received any day. There were questions on the leaves as some were still putting them out in the roadway. This is an issue because they clog up the sewers. It was decided that Mary Klahn (Village Clerk) will look into having door hangers with the major changes to the refuse law listed on them. Trustee Greg Cappelli also advised that the information can be found on the Village website and to have directives to visit the site on the door hangers. 

Engineering: A proposal for an Intermunicipal Agreement with the Town of Concord has been drafted for the Board’s review. This would consist of maintaining and operating two waste water systems in Concord, specifically the one at Kissing Bridge and the other that services Crane Ridge. This will be reviewed and the matter was tabled.

Parks: The newest Trustee Sean Lowes advised that the trees have been trimmed back as part of pre-winter care.

Special Events: Trustee Doug Bush has asked that a letter be drafted to BOCES as they held a walk for Veterans Suicide Prevention that did not go through the proper channels of approvals. The Village has set requirements that all events must follow and although there is great support for the cause, protocol needs to be adhered to.

Refuse: Before sending out a new request for quotes on the Waste Collection Contract, Cappelli has asked that Board members review it within the next 30 days and give their input. 

There was a motion to adjourn and ayes carried. The next meeting of the Ellicottville Village Board will be held Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 6:00pm. The meetings are being held virtually; please contact Mary Klahn, Village Clerk at 716-699-4636 for login instructions. 


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