There’s A New Moon Rising
There’s A New Moon Rising
The Bob McCarthy Foundation Begins Plans to Transform Annual Fundraiser
As one of the foundation’s biggest fundraisers of the year, Tuscan Moon (pictured) will return to Ellicottville in 2024, but under a new event name, Celtic Moon.
ELLICOTTVILLE - Save the date: August 24, 2024 for the rising of Celtic Moon. The Bob McCarthy Foundation is re-imagining Tuscan Moon, aka Voodoo Moon & Another Day in Paradise, for 2024. This event has been Ellicottville’s premier end-of-summer party poolside at the Cabana Bar area at Holiday Valley. Get ready because the Bob McCarthy Foundation Board has morphed the original to a next level event. This will again be an upscale party with fabulous cuisine in an incredible setting with guaranteed great weather.
Katy said that our idea is to throw a great party to honor Bob McCarthy’s while thanking the Ellicottville community for its unconditional support over the years. We want the party to be accessible to all so we will set a low admission price. Kathleen added that this will be a laid-back event without auctions but with plenty of fun and surprises for the guests. Anne commented that the area businesses are always asked to contribute and we thought it would be a great idea to honor them without putting the tap on them again. It is time to thank all of our loyal donors and supporters over the years.
This past year, the Bob McCarthy Foundation transitioned from the Foundation for Youth and Family Support to become Ellicottville’s own Foundation, as Bob imagined. Focused on supporting youth, seniors and the less fortunate in our community, we continue to expand our service.
In its 17th year, the Bob McCarthy Foundation’s holiday program, Santa’s Workshop provides Christmas gifts, monetary help and holiday dinners to bring cheer to those less fortunate during the holiday season.
The Bob McCarthy Foundation continues to quietly provide special help to all in the community with eye glasses, hearing aids, medical durables and other needs to help level the playing field for all.
As most of you know, the Foundation draws major funding from Bob McCarthy’s Irish Christmas every year. For those of you who don’t know, the Bob McCarthy Foundation’s efforts fund many other great programs like the Ellicottville Library Summer Intern & Reading Program, Katie’s EYWIC After Park Program, and Leah’s Summer Reading Camp and more. This year we awarded five scholarships to ECS and BOCES students. We provide critical quarterly funding for the Ellicottville Food Pantry as well as yearly grants to the Alley Katz and Ellicottville Historical Society.
Greg indicated the reason we decided to delay the restart of Celtic Moon to 2024 is the board’s workload rolling out a new Seniors Program to focus on transportation, technology and medical assistance. You will see more information about this later in the year.
Before you ask, “Why Celtic Moon?”… well, the moon has a significant role in Celtic lore. It is associated with the goddess Arianrhod who is known as the goddess of rebirth and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. We remember Bob and his Celtic roots that played such an important role in his dedication to our community.
You can find more information on the Foundation at or on our Facebook page. Watch ellicottvilleNOW for more news on the rising and all things McCarthy!