Proposed Veterinary Clinic Granted Approval
Proposed Veterinary Clinic Granted Approval
Village Planning Board issues special use permit for planned veterinary clinic; holds public hearings on two Elizabeth Street residential projects.
The Ellicottville Village Planning Board has granted a special use permit for a planned veterinary clinic at 5 East Washington Street that will bring convenient health care closer to the community's furry friends.
The veterinarian told the Board at the Tuesday, Oct. 12th meeting that she found Ellicottville's market not saturated with animal care services. Also, she said, the community seemed open to her "warm, cozy approach" as she searched for a location to open a private practice independent from a corporate influence. "I see (the clinic) as a cross between "Northern Exposure" and the "Gilmore Girls".
"It is a needed business in our community and I think you are going to be a success," said Board Chairman Nancy Rogan.
There were no comments offered from the public prior to the unanimous approval. Village Planner Gary Palumbo recommended conditions on the Special Use Permit, including a sign permit, architectural reviews if there are any changes to the future clinic, and coordination with any floodplain development permits associated with the building as a whole. The clinic will be located in a space leased from Ellicott Development.
The veterinarian’s application states she is skilled in horse acupuncture and surgical procedures and will provide extended hours, emergency appointments, at-home euthanasia, as well as at-home appointments for fractious cats.
The Board also held public hearings on two Elizabeth Street residential projects, which generated no public comments.
A site plan and architectural design were reviewed and approved for the Sarah and Alan Elia home at 19 Elizabeth Street. The expansion includes removal of the existing garage and reconstruction to accommodate two cars and storage. The residence will add two upstairs bedrooms and expansions to the side and rear, while maintaining the home's existing character in keeping with the neighborhood. The Board's approval came with the conditions that the home must be used as a single-family dwelling, and it does not include an accessory apartment and there will be no short-term rentals allowed.
A new two-story three-bedroom single-family home being planned at 18 Elizabeth Street by the Churakos family was approved for site plan and architectural design, with several conditions and include design considerations for the elevated foundation due to the floodplain. A floodplain development permit must be finalized before a building permit can be issued, and design plans must reflect the date of updated changes. As with the other single family home projects on the agenda, the residence does not include an accessory apartment and may not be rented for less than 30 days.
The plans for a house at 19 Parkside Drive were reviewed and a September public hearing was revisited. The Courtney-Stoll single-family residence was approved with several conditions, including removing a door leading from the home to an unfinished attic space above the garage. Without the condition, the plans would exceed the maximum area and could not be approved. Applicants said the attic space above the garage had been intended for storage and not living space.
Other approvals by the Board included:
• A public hearing was set for Nov. 9th at 5:30pm for special use permit for an accessory apartment at 23 Jefferson Street, to reinstate a former residential use in the commercial property in the VC-2 (commercial) District. Ava Grace Fashions is located on the first story of the building.
• Architectural designs for exterior renovations at a single family residence located at 1 Adams Street.
• Blue Collar Workwear hanging and wall signs at 24 Washington Street, providing lighting is projected downward from above.
• Rafi’s Platter’s changes to a projecting sign at 32 Washington Street.
Finally, the Board will send representatives to meet with the Moratorium Committee on Oct. 18th at 4:00pm to discuss draft zoning amendments. The Board will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30pm on Nov. 9th. Both meetings will be held in the Town/Village Hall at 1 West Washington Street.