2024 Snowmakers’ Ball
2024 Snowmakers’ Ball
Villaggio Prepares for Annual Event to Thank Our Friends Who Make It Snow
Photos / Rich Rumfola, ellicottvilleNOW
It’s no secret that Ellicottville, New York is a good time. From great skiing to fun places to eat and shop, everyone who either lives or visits Ellicottville is sure to have a ball! Villaggio Restaurant on Monroe Street definitely brings it home once a year, to not only send off the snow, but to recognize the mountain crews that keep it frosty at Holiday Valley and HoliMont all season long!
We’re only a few weeks away from the 2024 Snowmakers’ Ball. This year the ball falls on April 7th and will run from 5:00-9:00pm. Admission is free, but donations are welcome and greatly appreciated; these benefit the Frank Pitillo Memorial Lights Fund. There’s complimentary food from your favorite Ellicottville local vendors, a basket raffle, 50/50 tickets for sale, live music from Girls of Grosh, and so much more!
“I’m happy to talk Snowmakers’ Ball anytime! And there has NEVER been a season we needed them as bad as we did this year,” said Villaggio owner Nick Pitillo. Nick and his family have worked in hospitality in Ellicottville for years. “My father was the first food and beverage director at Holiday Valley way back,” said Nick. “He opened My Place Restaurant and The Rusty Nail.”
It makes sense why the idea of the Snowmakers’ Ball is all about giving back to the mountain crew, because if there’s anyone who would understand the true feat of keeping our resorts fun and skiable, it would be an Ellicottville local like Nick. He noticed the need to recognize these crews eight years ago when Villaggio opened in Ellicottville.
“It was one of the worst snowfalls I could remember. And the mountain crews SAVED all the businesses in town by keeping us open,” Pitillo shared. “I wanted to do something to recognize them, and remembered that, a long time ago, there was a party called ‘Snowmakers’ Ball’, so I decided to bring it back.”
“The Snowmakers’ Ball is a great way for us to give back to the hard workers in our community, but it also serves as a wonderful reminder of something greater,” he added. “All over the world, there are people behind the scenes working their hardest to make our lives easier. Taking the time to recognize and appreciate our friends and family who do that work goes a long way. We call it ‘Villaggio’ because it TRULY takes a village.”
This year’s event is surely going to be more special than all of the ones before it, as the Villaggio team is committed to innovating each and every year. “This year we are having an amazing musical act and will be making a special presentation to one special, long-time mountain crew member, but it’s a secret… so you will have to attend to find out!” said Nick.
It seems like we’re in store for some surprises at this year’s Snowmakers’ Ball! That means it’s time to get ready, look your very best, and show out on Sunday, April 7th to send off the season and give our mountain crews a big thank you! You can make a reservation at villagioevl.com.
Villaggio is also still accepting donations from local businesses who would like to show support for the Holiday Valley and HoliMont Mountain crews. Anything from food to discounts is greatly appreciated!
Nick left me with some words on how truly important our behind-the-scenes workers are in Ellicottville: “The longer I live and operate a business here, and with the obvious changes in weather patterns, the MORE I realize how integral these people are to the success of our village.”